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Sánchez challenges barons to have the “courage” to attack Catalan concert before Federal Committee

The PSOE held its last Federal Committee in April and the event became a massive demonstration of support for Pedro Sanchezwho then finds himself immersed in his unusual period of reflection. This Saturday, the party will once again meet its highest body between two congresses, but the atmosphere will be very different, almost the opposite. The reason: the concert for Catalonia which is causing anger among many party members.

The PSOE leadership, through its spokesperson, Esther Penachallenged the regional presidents this Monday for having the “audacity” to propose financing proposals different from his own. Although, in principle, it was a message aimed at the PP presidents, in the socialist ranks, many interpreted that it was an arrow aimed at the critics of the PSOE itself.

And some will take up the challenge. Many barons critical of the concert in Catalonia confirm to this newspaper that they will speak on Saturday and raise their voices to show their disagreement on an issue that, according to them, breaks equality between the autonomous communities.

In Ferraz, it is already expected that the Committee will be under high tension and party sources assure that Saturday “is an extraordinary moment to verbalize the détente”, advocating an internal and non-media debate.

Among those who criticize the agreement between the ERC and the PSC to invest Salvador Illa who will try to speak on Saturday – “if they allow us” – is the former president of Aragon Javier Lambanor the general secretary of the socialists of Extremadura, Miguel Angel Gallardo.

The President of Castile-La Mancha, Emiliano Garcia-Pagehas not yet revealed whether he will attend. However, he is expected to do so and his team reports that if he goes to Ferraz on Saturday, he will also ask to speak. This group could be joined by the leader of the socialists in Madrid, Juan Lobatowho also opposed the pact.

One of the critics who will not be able to attend will be the President of Asturias, Adrien Barbonbecause it coincides with the events of celebration of the Day of Asturias. “But we will always show our position in terms of financing, as we have done and as I have already said,” he said on Monday, so there will also be noise on his side.

“On Saturday we will demand that there be funding in which certain territories are not discriminated against compared to others,” one of the PSOE federations explained to this newspaper.Territories don’t pay taxes, people pay taxesand the quota generates a situation of inequality between citizens,” they add.

“We would have liked the agreement reached to be debated within the party. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. We have not been listened to. But it will finally be debated,” they add. “Obviously, this Federal Committee will not be similar to the previous one,” they emphasize, in reference to the tension that will be felt in the environment, unlike what happened in April, when everyone closed ranks with Pedro Sánchez.

From Aragon to Extremadura

The internal crisis that the quota has caused for Catalonia even surpasses the one that already occurred in this same legislature around the amnesty. Although the pardon measure also aroused much criticism, these ended up being lowered in the debates within the internal bodies and Emiliano García-Page ended up being left alone. On this occasion, everything indicates that it will not be like that.

Last week, the Regional Executive Commission of the PSOE of Aragon unanimously expressed its rejection of the agreement between the ERC and the PSC. It did so officially and became the first socialist federation to reject quotas.

This Monday, the Executive Commission of the PSOE of Extremadura did something similar. The regional body approved a resolution in which it commits to an “autonomous financing system based on consensus and dialogue with the rest of the political forces of Extremadura.”

Although somewhat more lukewarm than their Aragonese colleagues, the Extremadura socialists also opposed the pact with the ERC, calling for a conference of presidents to seek a fair financing agreement.

“For the socialists of Extremadura, interterritorial solidarity is not a mere technical concept; it is the basis on which we have built a prosperous and reasonably cohesive Spain. We firmly believe that Citizens are equal in all respects, regardless of the region in which they live.“, we can read in the resolution.

Change of date

In addition to the debate on single financing, the Federal Committee’s objective is to convene the 41st Federal Congress of the PSOE, which will take place in the city of Seville, in which Sánchez will run again to continue as general secretary of the socialists.

With this Congress, the PSOE intends to renew some of its policies and, above all, renew the party at the territorial level, where there are still many unfinished business after the debacle of the regional and municipal elections of May 28 last year.

The PSOE Federal Executive announced this Monday that it would propose the dates of November 15, 16 and 17 for the Congress. However, late in the afternoon, the leadership announced that it had changed its mind and that, finally, It will be held on November 29 and 30 and December 1..

According to management, this is due to “logistical reasons”, as around 2,000 people are expected and, between hotels and travel, the correct presence of everyone could not be guaranteed.




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