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Sanchez changes “the consensus of the Constitution 78” for “the impositions of the process”

Alberto Nuñez Feijoo This Tuesday, he promised a “firm” response from the PP to the “national challenge” launched by the head of the Executive, Pedro Sanchezby wanting to “replace the consensus of the 1978 Constitution with the imposition of process of 2017″. According to the popular leader, There is nothing to discuss about regional funding if the government agreed to withdraw 20% of the common treasury so that the Generalitat could keep it.

However, Feijóo does not take for granted that Sánchez will obtain the necessary support for his project. He therefore described the Catalan agreement as a “hypothetical transfer” of the government, but warned against it because it would “liquidate” “the balance of the financing system of the Autonomous Communities in “Blackmail, asymmetries and special interests predominate” in Catalonia.

The PP president took part in an informative breakfast this Tuesday, presenting one of his barons, Jorge AzconPresident of Aragon. The event took place in the presence of the Secretary General of the PP, Cuca Gamarra; the mayor of Zaragoza, Natalia Chueca; that of Madrid, Jose Luis Martinez Almeida; and numerous positions of the PP and the Autonomous Executive of Aragon.

“This is a real national challenge,” Feijóo said, “it is not about a change in the financing system, but about a ‘solution’.” covered in confederalism where the bilateral corrections between the socialist government and its partners to keep Pedro Sánchez in power.”

For the PP leader, the problem is that Sánchez’s PSOE “destroyed the equality of Spaniards before the law” with the amnesty, and now “destroys the economic equality of Spaniards” with the Catalan quota. And all, for “particular interests, not for the general interest”, to market “with what does not belong to them” and impose the narrative of independence.

Thus, the logic followed during these months, according to Feijóo, is that of an independence movement that, “after the process understood that it is very difficult to remove Catalonia from the State, and that is why They chose to withdraw the State of Catalonia“. Because, for the first to happen, “all Spaniards would have to accept it, by referendum”, but for the second, insisted the Galician politician, “All it takes is a government without conviction or scruples”.

The PSOE has just announced the early convening of its federal congress, and its spokesperson, Esther Penaproclaimed on Monday that the conclave aimed to “align” the party with these postulates of a plurinational Spain, challenging critics to have the “courage” to fight.

They want to align the PSOE behind their beloved leader!“, Feijóo said sarcastically. “They are anticipating the purge of the leaders of the old PSOE.”

Azcón’s presentation, in reality, was like the general and principled scenario of what the Aragonese later developed. Feijóo said that, if a year ago the PP had to face the “threat” of amnesty, today it has before it a “new pact with the independence movement that is practiced pretending end the equality of Spaniards before public resources“.

Barons and appeal to the TC

The appeal to the Constitutional Court against the amnesty law will probably be submitted within a week, September 10The PP representatives in Congress and the regional presidents of the party will do this in a coordinated manner.

But now it’s Feijóo’s turn. Arm yourself to defend the model of autonomous financing “enshrined in the Constitution”.

This is why she will gather her CCAA presidents this Friday, at the Palacio del Duque de Pastrana, in Madrid. Define the steps of a common action against a “total fiscal independence that would put an end to the solidarity of citizens” and that This could cost “around 13 billion euros” each year..

The first thing, according to Feijóo, is to clarify that “there is no autonomous State when the State disappears from one of the autonomies and abandons others to their fate“.

The second thing, Do not fall into “deceptive bilaterality” what the government intends to do. In other words, no region will sit down with the Treasury to negotiate alone, neither on the models nor on the “cancellation of the debt”.

And the third thing, launch a “firm response” to Sánchez’s “commitments” with the aim of guaranteeing equality for citizens. What he did not specify is whether he will do it in court, on the street or in Parliament. On leaving, Feijóo answered this question, in good Galician: “Step by step, everything in its time.”




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