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Sanchez considers the “progressive majority” liquidated and prepares the extension of the budgets for 2025

This gives him a huge advantage and also helps him bury the problems that are not in his favor. A few months ago, he did this with what he called democratic regeneration and the fight against hoaxes to react to the judicial investigation against his wife, Begoña Gómez. And this summer he did it with immigration, considering that it put the PP in an uncomfortable position. Now he does it with regional funding to cover up the agreement with ERC that provides for a concert for Catalonia that is very difficult to implement.

Negotiating regional funding is always a kind of birthday pinata in which governments fight among themselves, without distinction of color, to obtain something for their territories.

For this reason, in all system changes there have always been “changes of political camp” of the communities when the different models were approved.

This is what Sánchez is currently playing, seeking to break the PP and make us forget that in his party there is an unprecedented response to the Catalan concert. Socialist sources explain that the application of the agreement with ERC that allowed the investiture of Salvador Illa In Catalonia it will not be immediate. First, we must break the size of the PP and bring the debate to the model.

This is not the time to approve anything and it will not be the case in the coming months, as the government admits and as Sánchez himself implicitly admitted in his speech on Saturday before the PSOE Federal Committee when he assured that he would continue to govern “with or without the assistance of the legislative power.”

The socialist leader’s sentence who asks that the marble be at the same level as his others like that one”Who is responsible for the prosecution? According to the government, it refers to the need to limit parliamentary initiatives to the implementation of another type of policy, based on controlling the agenda and on initiatives that do not always turn into concrete regulations.

Thus, the asylum of the Venezuelan opposition leader overshadows other debates. And the president announces at the beginning of the course that would increase taxes on the richest those of the Lamborghini that Sánchez used as a symbol although, in reality, the government has not prepared any initiative in this regard and, furthermore, it is impossible for it to be approved by Congress due to the lack of votes.

For this reason, Moncloa sources explain that Sánchez’s phrase about the legislative power is, in reality, a public acceptance of the fact that the call has been broken. investiture block and especially the progressive bloc. If there ever was one.

The president no longer calls for dialogue or winks to his partners in the Junts or the ERC, but, according to this version, he considers them already lost.

Broken Agreements

Carles Puigdemont He had already transferred his position to Sánchez, through José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, before the summer, given the broken agreements, especially on budgets.

The president has only the slim possibility that at the Congress of Junts in November, Puigdemont will be sidelined in favour of the sector that embodies what CiU was, that is, a group of politicians closer to the business world and who want a period of tranquility and agreements in Catalonia, burying the process.

It also depends on the ERC congress, which expects the victory of the largest number of supporters of the agreement. In this case, according to the socialists, the difficulty is that. ERC must find its own space to survive in Catalonia and in Congress, without being confused with the PSC.

For this reason, government sources assure that Sánchez’s phrase is equivalent to admitting that this support bloc has been liquidated and that, barring a miracle, the budgets will have to be extended.

In this way, he will be able to continue governing while waiting for better times. Contrary to what he himself said years ago when he called for elections to be held for Mariano Rajoy because you can’t govern without approving budgets. Because there is always a phrase from Sánchez’s past that contradicts any current decision of the President of the Government.

In addition, PP considers becoming an initiative that Junts can supportespecially those concerning economic policy or taxes. They already coincided in July, cutting the spending cap and reforming the immigration law in Congress.

In the House, there will be legislative initiatives approved in the Council of Ministers and blocked in successive extensions of amendment deadlines.

With this scenario where Sánchez makes politics without approving the regulations, the members of the government and the PSOE understand that the the horizon is set for spring 2025, with a possible electoral call. Because they consider that the situation risks being untenable, even more so if a new fiscal extension is necessary and the defeats at the polls follow one another. And this is what the PSOE prepared for after its federal congress in November.

No government can withstand three years of this, even though Sánchez always repeats that the legislature will end. A purely rhetorical expression, because no one can say otherwise.

Will present the budget projectas required by the Constitution, and if it is rejected, the responsibility for the blockade will fall on the parties that vote against it. That is why he is president and can set the agenda and establish the narrative.

In this plan, there is an additional difficulty for the PSOE: the gradual collapse of Sumar. There is no investigation that does not reduce to a minimum those of the Yolanda Diaz and without them, it would be difficult for Sánchez to win seats to govern again after early general elections.




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