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HomeLatest NewsSanchez government respects Venezuela's "decision" and refuses to call the country a...

Sanchez government respects Venezuela’s “decision” and refuses to call the country a “dictatorship”

The government of Pedro Sanchez respect the “sovereign decision” Venezuela to summon the Spanish ambassador in Caracas and to summon its diplomatic representative in Madrid for consultations. This was expressed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Jose Manuel Albareswho also abstained to describe it as a “dictatorship” in the Latin American country governed by Nicolas Maduro. The Minister of Defense, Marguerite RoblesHe actually called the Chavista regime a “dictatorship” after Venezuela declared “war” on Spain, through the mouth of the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodriguezbrother of the nation’s vice president, Delcy Rodriguez.

“Call an ambassador, I have done it several times“, and calling for consultations are sovereign decisions of each State and therefore there is nothing to comment on,” Albares assured on this issue. “What I can tell you is that we are working to have the best possible relations with the brother people of Venezuela“The Spanish people feel extremely close to the Venezuelan people, as with all the peoples of Latin America, with whom we have absolutely fraternal relations that go much further than those we can have with any other group of countries in the world,” he added, on the Sánchez government’s relations with Venezuela.

Furthermore, the Foreign Minister avoided calling the Chavista regime led by Nicolás Maduro a “dictatorship” because he is neither a “professor of constitutional law” nor a “political scientist.” “We, the Foreign Ministers, are the last person who should enter to put any type of qualifier“Yes,” he defended himself. “Venezuela is a brother country with which Spain wants to have, for the good of the Venezuelan people and the Spanish people, the best relations, absolutely fraternal relations and what we want for Venezuela is the same as what I want for Spain: democracy, freedom, social justice, economic growth, and that is what we are going to work for,” he said.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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