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“Sanchez plagiarizes Franco, creates a media registry and will decide who are journalists”

Eduardo Inda reacted to the government’s misnamed “democratic regeneration law” Pedro Sanchezin fact “a law of democratic degeneration”. Ernest Urtasun And Felix Bolanos They revealed this Tuesday the details of the Executive’s plan to muzzle critical media. Now, the norm must be partially validated by the Congress of Deputies.

“They are not beating around the bush: Communist Minister Urtasun said they would decide ‘who are the real ones’ professionals and who are the real ones media and, to this end, they will create a save media and you can already guess who we are going to be,” said the director of OKDIARIO.

Inda emphasizes that the people identified will be “the pseudomedia“, that is, the name with which Sánchez and his people designate those who “denounced the scandal of Begoña Gomez and the rest of the outrages of sanchismo”, as OKDIARIO did.

“I don’t know if we are in a autocracy or we are on our way to a dictatorship“, argues Eduardo Inda, given that “this gag law” has a lot in common, he points out, with the press laws of Francisco Franco: “The dictator had a registry of journalists and media, which is what Sánchez is going to do.” Given the government’s plan, these are “difficult times for freedom,” after the “blood, effort and tears” it took to recover it, he says.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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