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HomeLatest NewsSánchez praises the "professionalism" of Spanish agents stationed in Gambia

Sánchez praises the “professionalism” of Spanish agents stationed in Gambia

Gambia. Second stop on his three-day African tour that began yesterday in Mauritania and will end tomorrow in Senegal. This Wednesday, Pedro Sánchez was able to see for himself the work carried out every day by the Spanish contingent made up of four national police officers and six civil guards stationed in this Sahel country to collaborate with local authorities in the fight against irregular immigration and human trafficking. human beings. The President of the Government praised the “dedication” and “professionalism” of the agents, whose work, he said, “is essential to avoid the loss of Gambian lives and to ensure that the management of the migration challenge is orderly and regular.” “You are indispensable”he told them.

The leader of the Spanish Executive also took the opportunity to highlight the “successful” collaboration between the two nations in “border surveillance and the fight against irregular immigration.” Spain and Gambia, Sánchez said, “are key partners in the field of security with a common goal: saving lives at sea and stopping mafias that exploit people with a legitimate desire to prosper.”

An “excellent cooperation”, according to the socialist, which was made official by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for Circular Immigrationjust as he did Tuesday night in Mauritania. An event that took place at the Presidential Palace in Banjul, where he was received by the newly elected Gambian President, Adama Barrows. Afterwards, the two leaders attended an official lunch. Then, Sánchez went to Dakar (Senegal), the third and final stop on the tour.

“Spain is a partner with which Gambia “You can trust,” said the Spaniard while expressing his willingness to strengthen bilateral relations in other areas such as trade, green energy, tourism or education. All this, he explained, is part of our country’s commitment to prioritise its relations with the African continent, especially the western zone and the Sahel, “whose present and future constitute strategic interests for Spain” and, therefore, “they deserve” a role that is appropriate to its demographic and political weight.

“Thanks to the president for his generosity and support” and “thanks to the Civil Guard team, which is fantastic, for its collaboration with our Navy,” thanked Gambian Defense Minister Sering Modou Njie, who spoke of Spain as “a distinguished country” with which Gambia would like to “increase and deepening bilateral relations” he said.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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