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Sánchez qualifies his remarks on governing “without Parliament” and acknowledges being “in the minority”

The President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezassured this Wednesday that the Executive has the “maximum respect” to the parliamentary groups, but at the same time he reaffirmed that he was determined to move forward with his “road map” just days after declaring that he would govern “with or without the support of the legislative branch.”

Sanchez said that his government, by “conviction” and also by “need” to be in “parliamentary minority”, This “constantly building bridges” with all groups except one, Vox, to carry out their reforms.

But not only that the reforms of the government itself but those of the European Union in order to be able to receive community funds, giving as an example of important agreements the labor reform and that of the pensions.

Sanchez did this nuance at a press conference he gave at the end of his trip to China when he asked him what he meant before the PSOE Federal Committee last Saturday when he said he was considering continuing in this legislature “with or without” the help of the legislative power.

“Maximum respect, maximum collaboration and building of bridges with all parliamentary groups except one (…) But what the Government also says is that will not abandon a roadmap and an agenda for this political journey,” he explained.

After recalling the priorities in economic, social and international matters, he said that all this has an “intersection” with the Parliament and an action of the Executive, and this is what he explained that he had referred to on Saturday before the Federal Committee.

Sanchez insisted that trusts to execute the 2025 general state budgets because it is his ambition to achieve this and he recalled that the Council of Ministers again approved the spending ceiling this Tuesday.

Financing Catalonia

About the Agreement funding for Catalonia signed with the ERC, Sánchez defended him tooth and nail, assuring that “What is good for Catalonia is also good for the rest of Spain.”

He also warned that “the dialectic according to which they are communicating vessels”, that is, “if it is good for one, it is bad for the rest” is what led to the situation of 2017, when the separatist process took place in Catalonia. “I do not want to repeat that path,” he said.

That’s why he asked “Do not cultivate territorial grievances” between autonomous communities that, according to him, would lead to a crisis of coexistence like that of 2017, “a very unfortunate year in terms of politics and coexistence” that occurred “for multiple reasons.” “I’m not going to point the finger at anyone,” he added.

In any case, he asks that lessons be learned from the process to avoid returning to this situation and defends that this is the path that the Government is following with “difficult measures” like the sorry to convicted independence leaders or to Amnesty law, but with “obvious results”.

Sanchez this Wednesday in China.


Edmundo Gonzalez

Regarding Edmundo González’s asylum request, Sánchez explained that Your government works for a common position in the European Union regarding the situation in Venezuela which allows us to have “mediation margin” with this country.

He also criticized the “inconsistencies” of the PP, after promoting the recognition of González as president of Venezuela. This petition, promoted by those of Feijóo, will manage to advance this Wednesday in Congress thanks to the support of the PNV, which usually votes in the same way as the government, although on this occasion it aligned itself with the popular.

In this sense, Sánchez maintains that allowing González’s arrival in Spain was “a gesture of humanity and a civil commitment” of Spanish society and its government towards people who “suffer persecution and repression”.

On the other hand, “on the political level”, he insists that what the Executive has been doing since the elections has been to ask publication of the minutesnot recognising the victory of Nicolas Maduro and working for the unity of the EU “so that this unity leaves us a space for mediation by the end of the year, so that we can find a solution that reflects the democratic will expressed in the polls by the Venezuelan people”.




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