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Sánchez receives regional presidents in Moncloa amid storm over single financing in Catalonia

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, begins this Friday a series of bilateral meetings with the regional presidents Imanol Pradales (Euskadi), Alfonso Rueda (Galicia) and Juanma Moreno (Andalusia) in the middle of the storm due to the unique financing in Catalonia.

He agreement between PSC and ERC The inauguration of Salvador Illa as president has drawn much criticism in recent months, not only from the opposition, but also from the opposition. within the PSOE itself. Thus, although the government intends not to talk only about financing, it is expected that this will be one of the key themes of the majority of meetings between regional leaders and Sánchez in Moncloa. The objective of these meetings, as the Executive explains, is to “strengthen” and “reinforce” the collaboration between the State and regional governments.

Ayuso asked the PP barons not to go to Moncloa

After Sánchez announced these meetings at the beginning of the political year on September 4, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, asked the PP barons to boycott these meetings with Sánchez and criticized the fact that the leader of the Executive wants to meet, one by one, with all the regional presidents to talk about financing.

“I ask the presidents of the autonomous communities to Don’t buy Sanchez’s strategy and her accomplice Montero, they will recognize her as the lady who, by clapping, generates more wind energy than everyone else,” Ayuso joked.

Ayuso believes that what Sánchez is looking for is to divide the territorial leaders of the PP: “This government he will try to bribe us one by one in Moncloa”. For her, “as long as there is no Conference of Presidents”, the regional presidents will not be able to sit down “in the face of this petty politics to negotiate anything”.

The Madrid leader insisted on this line, assuring that Sánchez wants to “divide” the autonomies to “whitewash the territorial rupture that is being created” and to make the position of the PP and that of the Government “converge”: “Now they want meetings with us? Bilateral? I refuse to talk only about Madrid,” he said.

Although Ayuso’s “order” to the rest of the regional leaders was clear, the PP barons assured that they would go to Moncloa if the executive leader invited them. In fact, it was the party leader himself, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who urged them to do so if they considered it appropriate. However, in a meeting chaired by Feijóo on September 6, the PP regional presidents committed themselves in a document to They will not negotiate financing bilaterally. of their territories.

Meeting with the lehendakari

Thus, Sanchez begins his bilateral meetings this Friday. The tour will begin with the lehendakari Imanol Pradalesthat he will meet at 10:00 a.m. am. This will be the first meeting in Moncloa between the two after the Victory of Pradales like lehendakari on April 21 and his meeting in Vitoria last July.

The Lehendakari, of the PNV, will demand that Sánchez moves “from words to actions” in full respect of the Guernica Statute and accelerates the transfer of pending transfers.

Meeting with the President of the Xunta

The President of the Xunta, Alphonse Ruedawill be the second to meet Sanchez in the vicinity 12:30 p.m.The first popular regional president to meet with Sánchez is expected to put on the table the single financing of Catalonia which his party has so criticized.

Andalusian President to close day’s session

The Andalusian president, Juanma Morenowill be the last leader to visit Moncloa this Friday in 4:00 p.m..

Sánchez will meet next week with the presidents of Cantabria, La Rioja and Asturias

The Prime Minister will continue next week the series of meetings with the presidents of regions and autonomous cities, according to government sources.

The President of CantabriaMaría José Sáenz de Buruaga, will be the first to meet Sánchez the Friday September 27 At 10:00 a.m. Later, the President of the Government will receive at Moncloa the President of La RiojaGonzalo Capellán, from 12:30 p.m. Finally, the head of the Executive will meet with the President of the Principality of AsturiasAdrian Barbón.




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