Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 4:49 pm
HomeBreaking NewsSanchez will justify the budget extension in the difficulties of the PP...

Sanchez will justify the budget extension in the difficulties of the PP to approve the regionals

If the PP maintains that the government of Pedro Sanchez It is weak and unstable due to its difficulty in approving parliamentary initiatives and, in particular, the general state budgets for 2025, and even more so the governments of six communities in which it will not be easy for them to approve next year’s accounts.

This is essentially Moncloa’s reasoning, through which part of the socialist argument will unfold, for to get rid of the pressure for a possible extension state budgets.

This is about contrasting the stability brought by the left with that brought by the right and looking for alibis to justify the extension of the legislature without budgets. In this way, he will try to weaken the opposition of Alberto Nuñez Feijóo.

Vox has left the coalition governments of Castile and Leon, Extremadura, the Valencian Community, Murcia and Aragon and has withdrawn its support from the Balearic Islands. The PP leaders in these communities are currently trying to negotiate next year’s accounts and the only possible option is Vox.

This Monday, in his speech in Congress before the PSOE parliamentarians, Sánchez already made some insinuations about this situation in the PP communities, and socialist sources explain that it will largely form the basis of the political argument of the President of the Government.

First because the PSOE coalition in the central governmentpreviously with Unidas Podemos and then with Sumar, has now lasted more than five years and shows no signs of breaking up, while that of PP and Vox has recently broken up.

If these communities fail to approve their respective budgets due to lack of agreement between PP and Vox and are forced to extend them, Sánchez will have the perfect argument to defend that it is possible to continue governing with budget extensions. They believe that they will cancel much of the PP’s argument in favor of Alberto Nuñez Feijoo demand the end of the legislature because it is a government that is not even capable of approving budgets.

The other option is for the PP governments of these communities to manage the accounts of their respective communities.

If they succeed, it will have to go through pacts with the extreme right, and the PSOE assumes that this will be to the detriment of an agreement on issues that provide political ammunition to Sánchez. For example, on migrants, on equality or on laws on historical memory.

In other words, if these pacts come to fruition, there will be a sort of retreat of the PP towards the positions of Vox on the issues that, precisely, caused the rupture of the coalitions between the right and the extreme right.




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