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Sanchez will not lead to his regeneration the hard plan against the media nor the brake on popular action

The government plans to present its democratic regeneration plan in the coming weeks, which it itself announced before the summer. Pedro Sanchez in Congress. This is what Moncloa sources reveal.

Since May and after having opened the judicial investigation against Begoña Gomezwife of the president of the government—, Moncloa announced a series of measures that also included changes to media regulation. The government then understood that this issue was one of the priorities of Spanish politics and its management.

Even the Minister of the Presidency and Justice, Felix Bolanosheld a series of meetings with all parliamentary groups, except Vox, to discuss this plan.

Today, however, this issue has remained in the background, buried by other questions, notably that relating to regional financing, following the agreement with the ERC to support the investiture of Salvador Illa in Catalonia.

In fact, the President of the Government went from having made it his main priority in July sparking an intense debate on the issue that flooded politics and the media to mention it only in passing this Monday, when he presented his priorities for the political course at the Cervantes Institute.

“These are priorities that we will obviously combine with many other measures linked to the ecological transition, of democratic quality and, consequently, the fight against hoaxes and disinformation“Sánchez simply said it last Monday, at the beginning of the government’s activity after the holidays. It was no longer a priority.

Moncloa sources explain that the project has not been suspended and that they continue working on it with the intention of presenting it in the coming weeks. And it will include specific regulations to be approved and others, such as declarations to be implemented, but that will not imply legal reforms.

As they explain, there will be no referral to the courts, as Félix Bolaños made known to the groups last July, to the great displeasure of some of them, who wanted measures to put an end to what they call right.

Not included, for example, is the proposal made on Thursday, at the opening of the judicial year, by the State Attorney General, Alvaro Garcia Ortizto limit the exercise of popular action before the courts.

Government sources also explain that in the absence of a final decision, they are inclined to make a “minimal” proposal, which cannot be considered aggressive towards the media. In other words, they are moving away from some proposals they had considered, such as the creation of a mandatory membership for journalists.

If it is foreseeable that he will transpose the European Transparency Directive ownership of media or institutional advertising, which is now attributed without establishing limits.




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