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HomeBreaking NewsSánchez's partners threaten to abort the pension reform agreed with the CEOE...

Sánchez’s partners threaten to abort the pension reform agreed with the CEOE and the unions

Pedro Sanchez This Wednesday, he wanted to show the latest agreement of the government with the employers’ associations CEOE and Cepyme and the unions CCOO and CCOO on pensions, which has as its main objective to delay the real retirement age. To this end, the President of the Executive organized the signing of the pact with the social leaders of Moncloa. However, PSOE and Sumar’s partners threaten to defeat new measures in Congress.

From the latest government agreement (more precisely from the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration) on pensions, Some measures require approval by the Upper House. Especially the incentives to delay retirement age and to combine salary and pension.

These measures, however, do not have the approval of their partners. On the same Wednesday, EH Bildu expressed himself in this sense.”We are not concerned with agreements or forms.“for the pact between the Government and social agents,” Iñaki Ruiz de Pinedo, spokesman for the Basques in the Toledo Pact Commission, told Congress.

“You can negotiate with whoever you want and however you want, but you must bear in mind that you must present these agreements here in Congress and that social dialogue does not replace the legislative power,” he added during a parliamentary dialogue with Elma Sáiz, Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.

“As they have achieved this, we only know something about this agreement through the press. If they are going to pressure us to vote in favor, they have miscalculated.” he noted.

The Basque MP also expressed concern that the measures “They consolidate the retirement age at 67 in general” and does not establish “any guarantee” that jobs with more difficult conditions can access early retirement, particularly in the most precarious sectors and professions.

MRC also gave his opinion in this sense. “We see the intention to deprive the legislator of the right to discuss, to propose amendments. Can’t we have an opinion on the model of work and pensions,” denounced Republican representative Jordi Salvador.

TogetherAnother parliamentary support as fundamental as it is elusive for the government of this legislature, has joined this chorus. Thus, Josep María Cervera has protested that the Government’s agreement does not respond to the “singularities of Catalonia.”

“Which ones? We have one of the most stressed health systems in the State, it is obvious that concrete measures are necessary for Catalonia,” he said during his parliamentary interventions at the Toledo Pact Commission.


In fact, the independence group demands that mutuals be able to hire and fire workers and decongest the health systemSomething that the unions are strongly opposed to.

In any case, Social Security recalls that there are several measures agreed with employers and unions that will not have to go through Congress.

Among them, the strengthening of early retirement in the event of difficulties, with a new procedure that will allow workers occupying exceptionally dangerous or unhealthy positions. And that mutual insurance companies support the resumption of workers on sick leave (which will be managed via agreements with the autonomies).




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