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Sanchez’s prosecutor will denounce the Canary Islands “for abandonment” if they do not welcome Menas: Moncloa owes 72 million

THE State Attorney’s Office will denounce Canary Islands in the event that it does not accommodate unaccompanied foreign minors (menas) -despite the government’s debt of Pedro Sanchez of 72 million euros with the community – due to the situation of “abandonment” in which he would leave these minors, as justified.

This is what he announced Maria Farnes Martínez FrigolaAttorney General of the Canary Islands, through a decree issued in which he gives instructions to the prosecutors of the archipelago concerning the territorial protocol published this Thursday to welcome the menas of the region. He also indicates that he will investigate the autonomous government for the possible commission of a crime of abandonment if it does not welcome these minors who arrive by boat on the Canary Islands coast.

The necessary measures must be adopted so that the minor is welcomed “immediately” to the indicated protection center. The prosecutors on duty in the Minors Section or in the Human Trafficking and Immigration Section of the Provincial Prosecutors’ Offices of the Canary Islands “must send an official letter to said General Directorate” as soon as they receive “a communication from any member of the Security Force” or State Body informing of the refusal of the General Directorate for the Protection of Children and Adolescents to accept an unaccompanied foreign minor in a protection center in the Canary Islands, after having been duly examined.

Furthermore, the police force which has communicated the situation to the prosecutor will receive instructions from the prosecutor on duty to ensure that the minor takes protective measures such as: food or accommodationall this until he is recovered by the General Directorate, until it is specified which center he should enter “or, in accordance with the published protocol, he is handed over to the Autonomous Police of the Canaries, in which case the duration of the stay of said minor in said police stations”, specifies the decree.

It must also be issue a report in which appears in detail the special circumstances of each minor unaccompanied foreigner, both personal and those of their arrival and health status. That is, they will have to indicate if they are part of a family unit, if they arrive with a parent or other family member, if they arrive by boat after days of navigation or if there has been a death on the boat, among other information. The report must be sent to the Prosecutor Delegate for Human Trafficking and Immigration.

Similarly, the latter prosecutors “must initiate the corresponding proceedings pre-procedural investigation procedure “In the event of the possible commission of an offense of abandonment of minors without prejudice to any other offense that may appear during the investigation,” the decree states: “You must also identify in detail the persons who, from the General Directorate of Child Protection, either respond to calls, or they are convinced that they do not have the capacity to accommodate said minors, or that they are not going to take care of them on the basis of the protocol published on September 12, 2024 in the BOC.

It is worth remembering, as published by OKDIARIO at the beginning of June, that Pedro Sánchez launched the prosecution against the autonomous government. He did so, precisely, after the information published by this media in which it was revealed that Moncloa was to 72 of the 156 million euros which costs the maintenance of men arriving on the coasts of the Canary Islands.

The head of the Executive has not respected his financial commitments to the autonomous community and, despite this, he has demanded that the cabinet Fernando Clavijo house them in hotels and structures overwhelmed by the massive arrival of illegal immigrants.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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