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HomeBreaking NewsSánchez's scandalous deal with Otegi

Sánchez’s scandalous deal with Otegi

The granting of the third degree of prison to two terrorists who committed blood crimes, by the Basque socialist Minister of Justice, is the definitive confirmation of the shameful policy of favoring ETA prisoners, assumed in recent years by the government of the country. exchange for the support of the nationalist left.

Those who benefited from the semi-liberty regime were Luis Mariñelarenamurderer of Fernando Buesa in the year 2000, and Harriet Iragisentenced to 128 years in prison for three murders.

As is the case with many of the gang’s prisoners who have obtained the third degree, these are two ETA members who remain linked to Abertzale’s orbit and who They showed no remorse for their crimes. The condition set by law to benefit from this regime is therefore not met.. Iragi also has a “medium-high prognosis for recurrence.”

In this case, moreover, the victims’ associations denounce that the PSE advisor did not even provide them with the usual report of the treatment commission, so that it is not possible to know the justification for the decision to grant the third degree.

It is obvious that this is a political decision of the Socialist Party. Mary Jesus Saint Josephwho assumed the powers of Justice in the new Basque Government (and with it the responsibility of approving the progression in rank of prisoners, until now in the hands of the PNV). San José had spoken out during his previous mandate in favor of the “complete” transfer of state powers in penitentiary matters to the Basque Country.

In an attempt to exonerate the socialist advisor, Fernando Grande Marlaska He specified this Wednesday that these third degrees benefit from “the favorable opinion of the judge”.

The reality is that the Interior used a trick based on a misleading interpretation of the process of granting the third degree, considering the simple communication to the Prosecutor’s Office as a kind of approval by omission.

But the fact that the prosecution is aware of the file does not constitute tacit approval of justice. Interior says the OTP did not appeal the concession, but that doesn’t mean it decided not to. Because the time limit for appealing only opens once the administrative decision has been made, and not before, even if the public prosecutor’s office is informed of the procedure.

Marlaska found a detour to cling to in order to hide a decision whose political nature is obvious. Otherwise, how do you explain that the advisor granted the third diploma less than a week after assuring “that no one expects from me special treatment for ETA detainees”?

It is not for nothing that Covite qualified this string of prison benefits (regulated with 82 third degrees since the Basque Country controlled its prisons) as “clandestine releases”. Because it operates through an opaque and fraudulent system, in which the prison authority considers progression in rank justified by the simple signing of generic letters which spare ETA members the express request for forgiveness from victims.

When the concealment is revealed, the “disguised pact between the PSOE and Bildu” emerges, as he described it Feijoothe only one among those who signed to invest Pedro Sanchez which has never been made public.

Even if its partners Bildu have already revealed its content through the mouth of Merxe Aizpuruawhen he pointed out that without talking about the issue of prisoners, they would not even sit down to negotiate, and for the Arnaldo Otegi before, who clarified in 2021 that His support for the budget depended on securing a commitment from the government to “get” “200 prisoners out of prison”.

And since then, this program, developed in three phases, seems to have been carried out punctually: the reception of ETA detainees in Basque prisons throughout the last legislature, the transfer of prison powers to the Basque Government in 2021 and the current granting of semi-imprisonments. freedom for terrorists.




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