Monday, September 9, 2024
HomeTop StoriesSanchez's speech shifts from migration as an opportunity to "essential returns"

Sanchez’s speech shifts from migration as an opportunity to “essential returns”

Sánchez has already completed his three-day trip through Africa. This Thursday in Dakar, he signed agreements with the Senegalese government on social security. The Minister of Migration, Elma Saiz, accompanied Sánchez through Mauritania, Gambia and Senegal, and in the latter country, the Minister of Economy, Carlos Body, also joined him.

A journey in which the president started betting by present migration as an opportunity and sign with the Mauritanian government the first circular migration agreement: migrants who come with a visa, with a job and with a return date. A formula that Spain had already developed, according to Sánchez himself, “successfully” in different countries.

A closed defense of migration by ensuring that it is not a problem, but “a need that involves certain problems” and considers it “fundamental” for the Spanish economy since it represents “wealth, development and prosperity.”

The day after, In Gambia, the focus was on mafias. Sanchez assured that putting an end to it This is a common objective of the Spanish government. and African countries. A statement he made after visiting members of the Civil Guard and the National Police who are collaborating with Gambia in the fight against illegal immigration at the origin.

The discordant message of the journey was launched at its third and final stop: Senegal. For the first time Pedro Sánchez defended the expulsions of irregular migrants. He did so under the protection of security and law and from the only country, of the three he visited, with which Spain had already signed a circular migration agreement years ago. However, its coasts remain those from which the most migrants leave.

“The return to their country of those who arrive irregularly in Spain is essential. Mainly because this return carries a message dissuasive, clear, clear and striking for the mafias and to those who put themselves in their hands, but essentially because European and Spanish legislation requires it,” said Sánchez.

In his final speechwanted to take stock and emphasize that the orderly migration is practical and necessary but also the best way to put an end to mafias and xenophobia.




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