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“Sanchism has shown signs of disunity”

The secretary general of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, assured this Saturday that the PSOE Federal Committee staged “the disunity of sanchismo“and was the prelude to the extraordinary congress of this formation, which will be held “the funeral of socialism“. Furthermore, he called it “indecent” that “he did not explain anything about the agreement with ERC, not even to his own party.”

In an appearance in Soria, Gamarra said that before the socialist conclave in November, the PP “They offer you a slogan if you don’t already have one: ‘The Silence of the Lambs'” (like the movie). Because, according to the “popular”, This is a conference summoned for “eliminate any criticism gaps“The congress that was called was intended to destroy socialism and mutate Sanchism,” he criticized.

The PP leader accused the head of the Executive of not having been able to justify himself before his Federal Committee.nor give any explanation” about the agreement”indecent” financing agreement for Catalonia signed with ERC. “Sánchez has not explained anything today about the agreement with the ERC, even in front of his own party,” he said.

The reasons, he adds, are that “It’s indecent, nothing more, nothing less.“: “Sanchez, your environment is taking advantage of walking with you. “His wife was investigated… She is not a lucky woman, but rather she used her status as the wife of the president of the government.”

Gamarra stressed that, while the PSOE is “engaging in harakiri” and is heading towards a congress “in which it will sign its death certificate”, the PP has once again made it clear to the Spanish people that it is “united”. And he stressed that this is the “hope” of the Spaniards who want a common financing model for a coherent country without territorial inequalities.

Back in Congress, he claimed that the Federal Committee “served to enthrone inequality, selfishness and privilege” and that he “applauds a leader who is destroying the party.”There is nothing left to compare today’s commission with the Seville congress at the end of November. Only Sanchez and (Salvador) Illa remain” he stressed.

“This has led them to a debacle. We see how the PSOE commits harakiri and will sign its death certificate at this congress. The PSOE has not called a congress, but the funeral of socialism” he settled.




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