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HomeLatest NewsSangüesa region protests lack of doctors: "We feel abandoned"

Sangüesa region protests lack of doctors: “We feel abandoned”

The problems of the Ministry of Health are piling up for María Chivite. region everyone is tired of the Government of Navarre don’t listen to them and keep maintaining medical offices left unattended.

Neighbors from everywhere Sangüesa Regionwith representatives from Lumbier, Aibar, Sada, Cáseda, Yesa, Rocaforte, Liédena, Javier or the same Blood They met this Friday at the head of Merindad to denounce to the Government of Navarre the lack of health professionals in the region.

Coming from all points of the basic health zone, they gathered in the Plaza de las Arcadas with the aim of demanding “a solution to this problem which has been getting worse for years and receive support from citizens and municipal councils.

This was highlighted by the Director of the Sangüesa Health Center, Mercedes Artiedareading a statement in which they emphasize that “for several years, we have been denouncing the worrying situation of lack of medical personnel in our base area.” Towns with clinics like Aibar, Lumbier or Cáseda find themselves without a doctor for several consecutive days.

As they say, “on several occasions, We asked the Ministry of Health for help desperately and looking for solutions. We have also asked on other occasions for the involvement of municipalities and the population in a problem that we consider to be everyone’s problem, and not a problem that only concerns professionals.

In this sense, they assure that “we have not received any solution or help “anything from Health, not even an interest or involvement, asking us for patience and treating us as alarmists from the sub-directorate.”

Concentration in Sangüesa to defend primary care in the region.

The fact is that “the problem has gotten worse Since then: several professionals, exhausted, have already decided to move to other areas; further aggravating the situation. Some town halls, despite the absence of doctor In their office, they looked away, without supporting us or even attending meetings, as if the problem of their neighbors’ presence was foreign to them.

In this sense, they denounce that “the medical team of the center had to support the work of multiple quotas without professionalssick leave, vacations and uncovered leave… to the point of having to assume between three doctors the work of nine“. At the same time, they denounce that “nurses have been forced to assume responsibilities and resolve situations that go beyond their functions on paper, and they have done so to ensure the care of the population. They find themselves alone in the offices, tired and overloaded too, facing all the situations that arise.”

For these reasons, the people gathered in Sangüesa assured that they feel abandonedwith some local offices closed, without appointments except in emergencies, and for a long time without “being able to implement care programs for chronic or elderly patients.” The purpose for which primary care was designed has collapsed.

In this way, they guarantee that “Some people don’t seem to have realised that this is not a political issue.of who governs or manages, to denounce reality or not to depend on it. It is a question of survival for our people, and it continues “Rural health is either there or there forever”.

Concentration in Sangüesa to defend primary care in the region.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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