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Santos Cerdán negotiated with Koldo after the Puente a Ábalos audit to reach a non-aggression pact

Santos Cerdan And Koldo Garcia Izaguirre maintained contacts after the publication of the internal audit commissioned by Oscar Puente to the Ministry of Transport as part of mask contracts.

The aim of the talks was to reach a non-aggression pact between Jose Luis AbalosKoldo García himself and the PSOE.

As EL ESPAÑOL learned from eyewitnesses, Santos Cerdán called the former advisor and Ábalos’ right-hand man, on August 28 around 10 p.m.

The PSOE Organizing Secretary He was then in Mexico. and he wanted to seek a rapprochement with Koldo García. Both agreed to meet in early September in Madrid, according to these witnesses who saw Santos Cerdán’s name on the phone and heard his voice.

On the day of the call, just a few hours after speaking with Koldo García, the number three of the PSOE signed an alliance with the party of Andrés Manuel López Obrador And Claudia Sheinbaum create an international front against the extreme right.

Mario Delgadoleader of the Morena formation, and Santos Cerdán signed the agreement between the two parties in Mexico.

Mario Delgado, leader of Morena, and Santos Cerdán, organizational secretary of the PSOE, August 28, 2024 in Mexico.


Contacts between Cerdán and Koldo García continued over the following days. EL ESPAÑOL can also confirm, through sources close to the two interlocutors, that they “had coffee” during the second week of September in Madrid, taking advantage of the trip to the Spanish capital of the former Ábalos advisor , prosecuted for corruption in the National Court.

This meeting helped restore trust between the two socialists, once close friends. Cerdán also obtained from Koldo García a commitment that there would be no leaks, neither from him nor from Ábalos, that could harm the PSOE.

The conversation between Cerdán and Koldo García was long. In addition to addressing the case of masks, the organizing secretary of the PSOE admitted to his former colleague from Navarre the concern of Pedro Sanchez and the leadership of the party due to the alignment of critical barons against the management of the President of the Government.

Confessions of Cerdán

Cerdán admitted to Koldo García during this interview that Sánchez was upset by the internal opposition of Luis Tudanca, Emiliano García’s page, Adrien Barbon And Javier Lambán. Also due to the emergence of critical sectors in Andalusia, close to Susana Diazespecially after the announcement of the Catalan concert.

The PSOE had already announced, at the time of this conversation between Cerdán and Koldo, that the Federal Congress would be held on November 29 and 30 in Seville.

In the climate of confidence of this conversation, the organizational secretary of the PSOE announced to Koldo García that he would meet on September 20 in Switzerland with Carles Puigdemont. In fact, the visit to Switzerland of the former Catalan president, a fugitive from justice, took place on the date and place indicated by Santos Cerdán.

EL ESPAÑOL contacted the socialist leader, who denies any contact with Koldo Garcíapersonal and telephone. Cerdán affirms that he has not had contact with Koldo García since the end of 2023 and repeats what he said, on this point, before the Senate Commission.

The publication of the audit commissioned by Óscar Puente on the mask contracts investigated by Justice broke the PSOE’s relations with José Luis Ábalos and Koldo García. The former minister threatened to vote according to his conscience in Congress and to no longer follow the discipline of the PSOE from that moment on. In turn, Koldo García expressed his discomfort to Cerdán.

The Secretary of Organization of the PSOE then reached out to both to minimize the scandal and for fear of possible leaks that could affect the party or some of its leaders.

Cerdán vs. Puente

Sources close to Cerdán and the former advisor to the Minister of Transport assure that the socialist number three declared that the audit of the management of Ábalos It was Óscar Puente’s sole responsibility and that he did not have party approval.

Cerdán thus wanted to blame Puente and assured that the PSOE had not betrayed Ábalos and Koldo García. The Organizing Secretary was also very concerned about the investigations that the Central Operational Unit of the Civil Guard could have carried out on members of the Government.

Koldo García’s telephone number and the conversations he had with socialist leaders and Sánchez’s executive greatly worried Cerdán.

This non-aggression pact provided that Koldo García would not reveal any of the “secrets” he knows about the PSOE and that the party would no longer attack him or José Luis Ábalos after the audit ordered by Puente.

These same sources assure that Cerdán’s contacts with Koldo García and Ábalos have been continuous since the former advisor’s arrest in February.

The PSOE has always aimed to damage control in this case of corruption that affects the Sánchez government. Beyond the masks, socialists fear that they will be revealed in broad daylight construction commissions during the tenure of José Luis Ábalos at the Ministry of Transport.

In addition, this same Monday, commission agent Víctor de Aldama was arrested for fraud against the Treasury of 182 million euros committed by hydrocarbon companies. Among the companies under investigation by the National Court is Have Got Time SL, the company that rented a villa in Cádiz in Ábalos.

The prosecution also underlines the “strong capacity for corruption” that this network had on public officials.




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