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HomeLatest NewsSchedule and route of the Comparsa de Gigantes

Schedule and route of the Comparsa de Gigantes

THE Comparsa of the giants and the big heads of Pamplona takes to the streets again this Sunday, September 8, on the occasion of the celebration of the privilege of the UnionThe children of Pamplona will be able to see their favourite characters again, who had not danced since their farewell on 14th July in San Fermín.

THE dancing, running in front of the kilikis and hugging the big heads They will be insured this Sunday in Pamplona.

The event will bring together many families who do not want to miss the opportunity to enjoy the Comparsa of the Giants of Pamplona.

THE Comparsa of the Giants of Pamplona will accompany the municipal corporation in its parade from the city hall to the cathedral in the municipal body. We indicate the schedules and routes so that you do not lose them at any time.


THE departure of the Comparsa of the Giants and the Big Heads of Pamplona It will take place at 5 p.m. from the Pamplona bus station.

From this moment on, the Compare These will be Plaza de la Paz, Yanguas y Miranda, García Ximénez, Tudela, Plaza del Vínculo, Paseo de Sarasate, Comedias, Zapatería and Plaza Consistorial. There, they will wait for the mayor and councilors.

The traditional municipal parade in Corpus de Ciudad The departure will be from the Town Hall at 5:45 p.m. towards the Cathedral. with the following route: San Saturnino Street, Mayor Street, Eslava Street, Plaza de San Francisco, Plaza del Concejo, Zapatería Street, Calceteros Street, Mercaderes Street, Curia Street. They will arrive at the Cathedral, where a floral offering and a response will be made in front of the mausoleum of Charles III.

At 7 p.m., back, the Duguna Dance Group will join the giants and the big heads to propose a dance performance on the Consistorial Square. The Comparison will perform a series of dances in honor of the city. The return journey will start at 7:40 p.m. from the Town Hall and towards the Pamplona Bus Station. The Comparsa de Gigantes should arrive at this location around 8 p.m.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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