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“Second Prize”, the film about The Planets by Isaki Lacuesta, will represent Spain in the race for the Oscar

Second prize, The (non)biopic about Los Planetas directed by Isaki Lacuesta alongside Pol Rodríguez has been chosen by the Academy of Cinema to represent Spain in the race for the international Oscar. Lacuesta and Rodríguez are among the favorites of this season of Spanish film awards since they presented at the last Malaga Festival this original proposal that turns musical biopics upside down and transcends them to become a beautiful story of love and friendship full of visual and dreamlike brilliance. In Malaga, it swept the screen, winning the Biznaga de Oro for best film and the mentions for best direction and best editing.

The second prize beat what many considered the favorite, Marco, ahead of Jon Garaño and Aitor Arregi; and another personal musical biopic, La Estrella Azul, by Javier Macipe, who also revolutionized the norms of this subgenre to tell the story of Mauricio Aznar, the leader of the Zaragoza band Más Birras. A shortlist in which I could not be The next piece, by Pedro Almodóvar, as it is spoken entirely in English.

This is the first time that Isaki Lacuesta, this time co-directed with Pol Rodríguez, will represent Spain in the fight for the Oscar. The confirmation at the academic and public level of one of the most important filmmakers of Spanish cinema in recent years. He has won the Golden Shell twice in San Sebastian and has participated in festivals such as Berlin with his previous work, One Year, One Night. He is currently working on a documentary about Antonio Flores in which the singer’s daughter, Antonio, participates.

Lacuesta and Rodriguez will have to try to repeat the feat achieved by Juan Antonio Bayona last year with The snow society, which not only got the nomination after several years of absence of Spanish cinema in the category, but also placed the film among the finalists of the Hollywood Academy Awards.

The two directors entered via video call and Isaki Lacuesta showed his sense of humor when they asked him about the strengths of his film. “I only see weaknesses. I am very happy that there are people who perceived it differently. I hope that with English subtitles it will improve a lot,” said the filmmaker.

Its producer, Cristobal García, confessed that he never considered Segundo Premio a local film, but rather “a tribute to music through a story of universal love and friendship.” “It’s a music scene that has transcended Granada and Spain. An influence for Isaki and for the film is Lorca, who came to New York and the world. It’s not just about Los Planetas, but also about music. Lacuesta added that he thinks that sometimes, in Spain, “we are embarrassed.” “A band from Seattle is universal, and with ours it seems that the same thing can’t happen, but all stories are universal by definition,” he added.

As for the film’s international projects, Second Prize is still not distributed in the United States, which is essential for the Oscar campaign, although Cristibal García has announced that he is in negotiations with several companies that had stopped waiting to see what would happen with this pre-selection. and that they are now going to resume. In addition, the film has already been presented in 15 international festivals and will premiere in France in the first quarter of next year.

Of those who have not heard anything yet, it is from Los Planetas. The group has taken a stand against the film and since its premiere, they have only seen the film crew at Sonorama, where the film’s producer said they sneaked into his dressing room. Of course, he keeps saying he doesn’t like it. “He told me again there, but it would be strange if he said otherwise, because he is true to his speech,” said García, who also said that today this disconnect would be broken, because he was considering calling him.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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