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HomeLatest NewsSection radar now working, making thousands of drivers lose their heads

Section radar now working, making thousands of drivers lose their heads

The return to routine comes with September, as does the return to work and school. This means that the DGT is faced with an additional workload when the influx is greater.

This is why the organization has intensified its efforts in favor of improve road safetythrough a series of measures that will not only control excesses in terms of mobility, but also reduce dangerous rear-end collisions.

DGT numbers

Currently, the General Directorate of Traffic has about two thousand radars of different types, which will include fixed, mobile drones, as well as helicopters.

Despite this, section radars have become the DGT’s favourites, and yet, in 2024, they will be installed up to 88 devices different on Spanish roads.

One of them is in service, installed near Valencia, on the A-3, which usually has a lot of traffic, some dates on which it returns and the routine increases traffic considerably.

More specifically, there is the radar located near the Valencian airport of Manises. The cinema meter starts in the Bonaire shopping center Located on the A-3 and covers Manises and Quart de Poblet.

The device will be limited to 100 km/h and measures approximately two kilometers in length.

The fact is that this will not be the only radar that will be installed in the Valencian Community in the near future. It is even planned to place up to eleven additional control devices there.

These radars are located on busy traffic avenues, all with the function of deterrence and not revenue collection.

New changes

Blue car at full speed.

Regarding this issue, it is enough to recall that until two months ago, the General Directorate of Traffic modified the tolerance margin of road radars.

On this subject, it should be remembered that just a few months ago, the DGT finally modified the tolerance margin for road radars.

Until then, the margin of error of the measurements made by fixed and mobile radars worked according to the rule of five and seven.

If you go to speeds below one hundredThe margin of error available to fixed radars is set at a maximum of five kilometres per hour and five percent for speeds above one hundred kilometres per hour.

In the case of mobile radars, the margin was seven kilometres per hour when the speed did not exceed one hundred kilometres per hour and seven percent when it was higher.

Currently, radars have more precision and less margin of error. From this month, fixed radars and in the roads where the maximum speed does not exceed 100 km/hthe maximum permissible error is 3 km/h and, in case of exceeding one hundred, the tolerance margin will be 3% of the speed limit.

If we talk about mobile radars, the margin becomes five kilometers per hour on routes where the maximum speed will not exceed 100 and 5% on those where the speed is the highest.

How does the section radar work?

The operation will be based on measuring the time it takes for a car to travel a specific stretch of road. The technology used in these devices is similar to traditional speed devices, as they emit a microwave signal and measure the time it takes for it to reflect back into the moving car.

This type of radar, you should know that basically, it is made up of a few cameras, one at the beginning of the section and the other one that will go to the end.

Each camera was equipped with a timing device and a high-speed camera.

When you pass the first camera, the hour and minute are recorded along with a photo of it. Then, when you pass the second camera, the time of the passage will be recorded and compared to the time recorded by the first camera.

If the time recorded by both cameras corresponds to an average speed that exceeds the limit established in the section, an alarm will end up being activated, generating an infraction.

Taking advantage of new technologies is essential

After what we have discussed, it seems obvious that we must take advantage of new technologies and this is known to a General Directorate of Traffic which continues to apply this type of innovation for the benefit of road safety.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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