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Security expert warns against doing this with house keys at night: ‘You’re not safer’

A Security expert warns what not to do With your house keys at night, not only will you not be safer, but you could be putting your life in danger. Security is one of the elements that most worries the Spanish today, we live in complicated times where everything is possible. Starting with an element that can end up being what makes us even put ourselves in danger for the simple idea of ​​facing this type of elements that go hand in hand.

The keys to the house and the way we leave them in place are something essential, perhaps we must take into account certain elements. What we must begin to take into account will have arrived, then. A detail that we must begin to realize in one way or another, for our own safety, without a doubt, the time has come to begin to prepare ourselves to gain security in our home, without putting ourselves in danger. This reflection from this expert will help us sleep more peacefully at night thanks to what we do with the keys.

You are not safer

This viral video has gone around the country. In him, we see a security expert, specifically from NETPOL or also known as the Higher Institute of Public Security, is a young company specializing in teaching and improving security training in the public and private sectors.

They know very well what it means to do this with those you bring home from home at night. A gesture that occurs in all homes and that can end up being the great enemy of a series of fundamental details and that you may never have taken into account until now.

As much as you want to start preparing yourself to be able to face those nights when you start thinking the worst. The reality is that now that we have returned from vacation and have assumed a routine that could surprise our neighbors, we must be prepared to start giving up some negative habits.

This professional who answered an interesting question warns us why we should not leave the key in the lock. That being said, in a way, we imagine that this will prevent someone from forcing it, but it can also be much worse in some ways.

This security expert warns that you shouldn’t do this with the key at night

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We leave the key on at night and we do it in such a way that we have to take into account certain elements. In Europe this practice is prohibited and they even prepare to avoid this element that can even cause the death of the person. This will not prevent thieves from accessing our home, but it could make the rescue by the security forces more complicated.

In other words, we will put our lives at risk trying to prevent someone from entering our home. So the time will come when we will have to abandon old habits that do not solve anything and are perhaps even negative in order to face certain problems.

Having the key in the cylinder, if it is necessary for them to save us, they will only be able to do so by grounding the door, which may have to give them a few extra minutes, which are essential. In the event of a fire, it is important to be prepared to be able to face certain challenges that are fundamental and that perhaps we should start planning these days.

It is essential to have some changes that we must put into practice. Put yourself in the hands of a good security professional. Surveillance systems are always a good investment. From the hand of security experts or any professional we must begin to prepare.

The community of neighbors can create a union that will increase the security of the place. Being attentive to what happens in our territory is essential. Doing it together with certain elements will help us to know at all times what we can and must do.

We will fight to get what we need and this will surely help us gain security. Nowadays, investing in this element, without those tricks that may not be the ones that accompany us regularly, is essential. The time will come when we will have to abandon grandmother’s remedies and get on the right foot in this new century where things are very different.

If you want to gain security, stop putting the keyJust hire a good alarm or the services of a security expert who can give you what you need. A change of cycle that could end up being the one that best suits our needs.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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