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HomeTop StoriesSemper considers it "impossible" to reach an agreement to reform the law

Semper considers it “impossible” to reach an agreement to reform the law

The PP and the government continue to exchange reproaches on immigration. Its spokesman, Borja Sémper, assured this Thursday that from Genoa They remain “ready to do big business” and that “it would be desirable” for the two to reach a common point on “issues which, because of their relevance, fall within the scope of state policy, including immigration”. However, in his eyes, this is “materially impossible”.

This is how the popular singer spoke in an interview with Onda Cero and following the change in speech of Sánchez during his African tour that also provoked resentment among government partners. A change of tone that comes after the PP opposed the immigration law reformThis would allow the distribution of migrant minors in different autonomous communities with greater capacity for assistance in the face of migratory pressure who live in the Canary Islands or Ceuta.

Criticism of Sánchez’s immigration policy is not new, but it has worsened in recent days due to the different statements what Sanchez did as part of his African tour. Already finished, the PP criticizes the fact that the socialist started this journey “We are talking about 250,000 jobs” and “24 hours after the PP alerted, it changed the message and clarified it. But then it clarified again because its partners criticized it,” explained Sémper.

In the eyes of Semper in these speeches of Sánchez “There are some corrections, but almost everything is improvisation and history”since “there was a twist and tomorrow there will be another”: “Everything is subject to history and an accompanying policy”, laments the popular deputy. Something that maintains that the president of the government “does not aspire to govern but rather to be in Moncloa”, although he finds himself “without budgets and without stability.”

Defense of Tellado’s “deportations”

After the firm defense of the orderly migration that the President of the Government made during his first stopover in Mauritania, the spokesman of the PP in Congress, Miguel Tellado, published a tweet in which he was interpreted as being in favor of the mass expulsions proposed in European countries such as Germany or France.

In this regard, Semper assured that “Tellado described what Europe is doing and how Spain is going in the opposite direction.”while affirming that since Genoa we see “much more rigor in policies [migratorias] European than that of Sánchez.” In this context, he defends that his “alternative is that the migration policy is ordered and agreed with the country itself and with the EU.”

Likewise, he stressed that for this it is necessary that “The President visits the autonomous communities” with which the PP demands the holding of a Conference of Presidents. A demand that, according to what they have repeatedly stressed, could open the door to an agreement on immigration policy. The government has insisted that this meeting take place next September, without however proposing a specific date.




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