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Senegal condemns the attack against one of its deputies in Togo

Senegal on Monday, September 30, condemned the attack suffered by one of its deputies during an opposition meeting in Togo this weekend and called for an investigation. Guy Marius Sagna, deputy of Pastef (African Patriots of Senegal for Work, Ethics and Fraternity) in power in Senegal and also a parliamentarian of the Community of West African States (ECOWAS), participated in the latter in a meeting of Togolese citizens on Sunday in Lomé when he was attacked, the Senegalese Foreign Ministry reported.

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A video filmed at the time of the incidents and posted on social media shows Mr. Sagna declaring from the podium that “There are people who did not want this meeting to take place”when the meeting is abruptly interrupted in great confusion.

Another video shows Mr. Sagna lying in a hospital bed with his left hand bandaged. In a third video, Mr. Sagna reports that he and other participants were hit with chairs and fists. A Togolese deputy was also beaten, he said.

Known for his stunts.

“The people of the regime [togolais] thugs paid to come beat, assault, assault and perhaps even murder Togolese, deputies in the National Assembly of Togo and a deputy in the ECOWAS Parliament.”said. This shows that“No Togolese are safe”underlines.

The Front Touche à ma Constitution, a coalition of Togolese parties and civil society groups formed in response to the adoption of a new Constitution in Togo, said in a statement that several more people had been injured. accuse people “hiding behind militiamen with the aim of silencing the deputy Guy Marius Sagna, who had already spoken out against the excesses of the Togolese regime”.

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Mr. Sagna, leader of the “Front for a popular and pan-African anti-imperialist revolution” in Senegal, known for his outbursts and anti-French diatribes, detained several times under the former Senegalese regime, in the past criticized the adoption in Togo of a new Constitution denounced by the opposition that would allow Faure Gnassingbé to remain in power indefinitely.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Senegal “Strongly condemns this unspeakable act [et] requests that an investigation be initiated immediately.”specified in a press release. Minister Yacine Fall “informed” his Togolese counterpart and asked that Mr. Sagna’s physical integrity be protected, the press release indicates. She “appreciates the commitment of his Togolese counterpart” In this sense, he emphasizes.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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