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Seven domestic workers arrested for stealing jewelry and gold from homes where they worked, worth 67,000 euros

The Civil Guard arrests ten people after clarifying 37 crimes against property in various locations in the northwest, north and center of Madrid, as reported by a spokesperson for the Armed Institute.

Seven of those arrested were domestic workers who had abused their owners’ trust and stolen different jewels from the house where they worked. Subsequently, they sold them to companies dedicated to the purchase and sale of precious metals, signing a document indicating that they were the rightful owners.

The three remaining detainees, employed in moving companies, took advantage of the transfers of the boxes to also steal various pieces of jewelry to then resell them in the companies mentioned above.

The ten detainees were charged with a total of 13 offenses of theft, 21 of fraud, two of receiving stolen property and one of embezzlement. They occurred in the cities of Guadarrama, Villalba, Torrelodones, Boadilla and Las Rozas, Alcobendas, San Sebastián de los Reyes and in the capital.

Eventually, the agents managed to recover 90 jewels with a total weight of 414 grams of 18 carat gold, valued at 64,000 euros on the current market. The detainees have already been brought to justice.

Arrested for theft in Barajas

This is not the only operation carried out by the Civil Guard linked to an organized network of thieves. Last July, a network of thieves that operated in the Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airportstopping 30 people and investigate others 56. Thanks to the collaboration of the airlines, most of the stolen items have been recovered.

Civil Guard units, dedicated to tax and border surveillance, opened investigations after receiving multiple complaints from passengers in Terminals 1 and 4 of Madrid airport.

User complaints were crucial to start tracking the perpetrators. In addition, the use of Aena security cameras, installed in various areas of the airport, made it possible to identify those responsible for the theftsessential for the arrest of those involved and the opening of investigations into other suspects.

The criminals acted skillfully, take advantage of travelers’ moments of distraction, especially during security checks. In these situations, thieves stole phones, tablets, computers, watches and other valuables that passengers had temporarily left unattended.

In one of the most remarkable cases, a minor was encouraged by her parents to steal a watch worth more than 10,000 euros who was in one of the sets in the security control area.

Thanks to the rapid reaction of the owner and the intervention of the Civil Guard, the valuable object was recovered and returned just before the family boarded.

Flights also took place in the waiting room before boarding the plane.where thieves took advantage of the carelessness of travelers who briefly left their belongings to buy food or use the toilet. At that time, various personal belongings were stolen.

Furthermore, the Civil Guard resolved several robberies at airport storeswhere the most coveted products were alcoholic beverages, tobacco and perfumes. These interventions made it possible to put an end to criminal activity which affected both passengers and traders.




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