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Sexual assault complaint against former Vice President Caroline Rey-Salmon dismissed

The announcement of her presentation at the beginning of the year caused a crisis within the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence against Children (Ciivise). The complaint of sexual assault filed against the pediatrician and forensic doctor Caroline Rey-Salmon, after her installation as vice-president of Ciivise, has been dismissed, her lawyer announced on Thursday, August 29 to Agence France-Presse (AFP). On the basis that “The facts reported do not seem to be established either in their materiality or in their intentionality”according to the classification notice sent by the Paris prosecutor’s office on Monday.

“The investigators carried out all the necessary investigations to reveal the truth: the medical records and the expert report of the complainant were seized, and all witnesses were questioned”The doctor and her lawyer, M., stated in a press Maria Dosé.

“Abused children deserve better than a reckoning, and justice cannot become the preferred means of mismanaging jobs, careers and reputations.”say the two women, announcing that a complaint for “public defamation” has already been filed against the complainant.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Ciivise in crisis after a sexual assault complaint against its vice president

Withdrawal from the Commission’s work

The latter, 25 years old, who calls herself “Louise Lume”, accused the pediatrician and medical examiner of“sexual assault by a person abusing the authority conferred by his position” during a gynaecological examination on 27 June 2020 at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris, as part of a judicial investigation. The young woman then filed a complaint alleging rape suffered as a child between 2004 and 2009.

When the complaint against her was announced, Caroline Rey-Salmon began “completely removed from the work of the Commission throughout the investigation”Ciivise had announced, evoking a decision “essential for the tranquility of work” and maintaining “trust” victims.

According to the young woman’s account to AFP, during the gynecological examination in question, Caroline Rey-Salmon expressed her doubts about the rapes reported by the complainant. “She told me that she must have rubbed herself, she put her fingers on me, moved them back and forth, she told me to close my eyes and imagine that it was the attacker’s penis so I could remember”testified about the pediatrician. “Watch Caroline Rey-Salmon’s nomination” as vice president of Ciivise, “it was too much for me”the young woman declared, publicly announcing the filing of a complaint.

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Two days before the latter, the Ciivise had resumed its work after a controversy in the fall of 2023 over its renewal. Until then, it was chaired by the juvenile judge Edouard Durand and the director of the association Nathalie Mathieu. Created in March 2021, this commission collected nearly 30,000 testimonies and issued 82 recommendations.

After the withdrawal of Mme Rey-Salmon, however, followed the resignation of the new Commission President, Sébastien Boueilh, considering himself “the target of slander and personal attacks”. The CIIVISE finally resumed its work in April under the auspices of a quartet tasked, in particular, with following up on the recommendations already made.

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A quartet that became a trio after the resignation of the lawyer and former Macronist MP Bruno Questel in May, while the members of the Commission “disassociated themselves” from him after he defended in court, as a lawyer, an incestuous father.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. “Given the success of Ciivise, we do not understand the motivations behind its new direction”

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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