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HomeBreaking NewsShahramanya's head fell in love with an iron fist, and his arm...

Shahramanya’s head fell in love with an iron fist, and his arm with iron shackles…

On September 10, 2023, Samvel Shahramanyan, elected as the “leader” of the separatists in Karabakh, was forced to sign the release of the so-called regime after 23 hours and 43 minutes of local anti-terrorist measures, which resulted in the full restoration of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and sovereignty less than a month later. However, Shahramanyan, who apparently did not get any results from the iron fist that hit his head, fell in love with the iron shackles just like his “gunmen” who are currently awaiting their well-deserved punishments in Baku detention centers, so he began to make sarcastic statements against Azerbaijan again. True, having fled to Armenia, the infamous terrorist staggered between the bars of the position assigned to the separatists, sometimes with the support of both the Armenian lobby and his sponsors who wanted to confuse the region, but his voice was not so loud. But it seems that either he was seduced by various promises to express that he had not lost hope of returning to Karabakh with some status, or he was moved by his owners, in whose hands he became a toy. Although Azerbaijan offered Armenians who voluntarily left Karabakh to obtain citizenship and live as citizens with equal rights, the separatists encouraged them to leave in order to use this factor against Azerbaijan these days. It should not be forgotten that Shahramanyan, who expresses provocative ideas, goes too far and forces himself to go through the iron bars where Araik, Sahakyan, Gukasyan, Ishkhanyan, Vardanyan, Khachatryan are sitting with the same feeling of regret.

Because Shahramanyan spoke not only about returning Karabakh, but also about occupying Azerbaijan’s sovereign territories, further exaggerating the separatist-terrorist ideas that put an end to them. Moreover, by stating that his decision to abolish the separatist regime was groundless, he not only exposed himself and admitted that they are a puppet regime in the true sense of the word, but also proved that they intend to continue their terrorist activities with the fatwa of their sponsors, and that this odious trait will not change. In fact, the last separatist leader of Karabakh does not need either Karabakh or the Armenians. If he had such a problem, he would not have spit on his heels before everyone else and fled to Armenia. Therefore, these foolish claims are nothing but nonsense, and the fear of September, which does not leave the Armenians, will never be able to encourage them to take a step that includes the policy of occupation again. Armenians know very well the fate they have faced and may face again, be it the 44-day Homeland War that began in September 2020, the armed conflict on September 12-14, 2022, or the anti-terrorist measures on September 19-20, 2023, and they understand it.

Another interesting aspect of the issue is that these absurd claims are made at a time when negotiations are underway to achieve peace and stability with Armenia and Azerbaijan. With this, Armenia once again proves that it supports terrorists and Armenians have not given up their terrorist qualities. Numerous examples of this fact can be cited, which have been repeatedly disputed and confirmed by evidence. For example, the latest example: Aram Branson, a 21-year-old Armenian-born student at the University of Chicago, made bombs that he planned to use against Azerbaijanis and, when he was charged, hid in Armenia.

Another example proving where and why this statement by Shahramanya comes from is related to the biased and false statements of leading Western countries and international organizations about the return of Armenians who voluntarily left Karabakh on a regular basis, for which there is a lot of evidence. For example, it is enough to show as the last example the event that the US Congress will hold on September 19, 2024, and we can see that the purpose of that event is not the return of Armenians who went to Armenia from the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, but to interfere in the internal affairs of our country. Comparing the examples, one can clearly say that all this is the desire of forces that want to interfere in the region from outside by mobilizing separatists in order to revive the source of tension in the region, where the Azerbaijani army reached a dead end.

Although Azerbaijan is tolerant towards all peoples, unfortunately Armenia has always pursued a policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis at the first opportunity and forced our compatriots to leave their ancestral lands. Therefore, accusing Azerbaijan in this regard is completely unfounded and absurd. Because if Armenians were deliberately relocated to Azerbaijan later, Azerbaijanis were the former inhabitants of Western Azerbaijan, which is considered the territory of present-day Armenia. Therefore, if there is talk of any return, it should first of all be related to the return of Azerbaijanis. In fact, if Armenia does not abandon its dangerous policy, the West Azerbaijani Community will start working for the establishment of a West Azerbaijani government in exile in Azerbaijan and in this regard, first of all, it will appeal to the Milli Majlis for the purpose of establishing a “Return to West Azerbaijan” commission in the newly elected parliament.

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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