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Six researchers leave the entity with the new director appointed by PP and Vox

The flow of departures within the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency continues. And not only because of the high-profile dismissals of the new director, but also because of the voluntary resignations of key members of the entity, just over two months after Eduardo Beut took office. As elDiario.es has learned and sources from the organization have confirmed, a head of the Research section, a lawyer, a technician from the management office and a training technician have left their positions “for different reasons” to return to their official functions in other entities. These abrupt departures are not a good calling card for Beut, who has already announced that he will eliminate key services from the Anti-Fraud Agency, such as collaboration with the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.

As reported by this newspaper, the new director of the Anti-Fraud Agency has dismissed Teresa Clemente, who was deputy director of the entity with Joan Llinares and a key figure in the Blasco case, and Gustavo Segura, who was director of investigation and former auditor in Mislata. In addition to these two dismissals, four other positions in different departments have now been added. And not all managers. Anti-fraud sources have explained that the intention is to begin a process to cover the departures of personnel and ensure that the agency is not dismantled at the first opportunity.

Proof of the problems that the Anti-Fraud Agency is having after Beut’s arrival is the blockage or shutdown that exists there. Since May, the entity has not published the resolutions on the agency’s investigations, which are carried out monthly. Those from June, July and August are missing. Sources from the agency affirm that work continues as before Llinares’ departure and that if the resolutions have not been published, it is “because they are being revised.” “All these resolutions are signed by the director, so they have to be seen. In addition, August was in the middle,” they maintained.

On the other hand, the director of the Agency has already published his salary, income and declaration of assets on the entity’s website. Eduardo Beut will earn 97,693.23 euros gross per year, which will make him the second highest-earning and first non-elected position in the Generalitat, surpassed only by the president of the Corts Valencianes, Llanos Masó, who exceeds 100,000 euros per year. anus. Beut exceeds the limit of 92,000 euros imposed by the president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, in the 2024 budgets thanks to the new anti-fraud law agreed between PP and Vox. According to the budget legislation, no senior official in the Generalitat can earn 15% more than the head of the Consell. The director of the fight against fraud far exceeds this limit and earns more than 30,000 euros more per year than his predecessor Joan Llinares.

According to his tax return, the anti-fraud director earned a total of 97,519.2 euros in 2023, slightly less than his current salary that he can achieve thanks to the article of the Agency’s law that allows not to lose money in relation to the position. in the public administration from which he comes. In this case, for his emoluments as head of the Regional Inspection Unit of the Tax Agency. Beut also published his declaration of assets, which reveals 300,000 euros from 50% of an apartment with garage in Valencia, 142,000 euros in current accounts and 23,000 euros in which an Audi Q5 is valued.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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