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HomeLatest NewsSocial dialogue concludes four agreements that will mobilize nearly a billion people

Social dialogue concludes four agreements that will mobilize nearly a billion people


Updated at 1:05 p.m.

“Social dialogue is aliveat full capacity, in progress”, with four new agreements signed, the extension of many others and five new negotiating tables on the agenda. almost three years ago that the president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, and the senior officials of the CEOE, Santiago Aparicio; CCOO, Vicente Andrés, and UGT, Faustino Temprano, did not sign their signature, and this Friday a point was made and these relations which had remained in a certain “stand-by” with Vox in the regional government were followed . But this does not stop, as the head of the regional Executive took care to remind us, while economic and union leaders did not miss the opportunity to recall the “difficult” period experienced.

Thus, following the work of “a year” with the ministries that have always been in the hands of the PP this legislature, this tripartite consultation tool was signed four chords “for the benefit of the inhabitants of Castilla y León” and this will involve the mobilization of almost 1,000 million euros. Education, dependency, housing and just transition The signed agreements focus on an act in which, after several minutes of putting their signature on the sheets, there was even applause in the room.

Furthermore, regarding the future, the homework has already been done with the opening of five negotiation tables to try to reach agreements precisely related to the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment, which was previously held by Mariano Veganzones (Vox) and is now headed by Leticia García. Employment, professional training, prevention of occupational risks, equality, co-responsibility and youth support the legs of these tables that we even want to accelerate and reach agreements before the end of this year.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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