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HomeLatest NewsSocial media attacks sexual comments made to 13-year-old Spanish actress

Social media attacks sexual comments made to 13-year-old Spanish actress

“I went into the comments and I went crazy”: this is how the video that went viral this weekend on Tiktok begins, which has already exceeded 1.7 million “likes”, more than 25,000 comments, and nearly 68,000 shares. In it, the influencer Kappahh (@kappahhh4) denounces the sexual comments made in a video where Luna Fulgencio, 13-year-old actress and co-star of the saga Padre no hay más que uno, by Santiago Segura, is interviewed.

He tick tock The original in which the comments took place was an interview with the actress conducted by Your’s Magazine. It began to fill with messages like “By force if you don’t want to”; “People say you have to give it a few years, but I don’t think it’s necessary”; “Serious question… yes or no, Marino?”; “They’ve already published it, surely”; “Is it possible now?” or “Give it a few years, Juan.” Faced with this situation, the magazine was forced to disable the comments.

Marian Blanco Ruiz, a doctor in audiovisual communication and advertising, as well as a researcher specializing in gender, adolescents and new technologies, explains that such comments have always existed, but before they occurred in environments that were not public: “This reality of child pornography and purely misogynistic comments are not exclusive to networks, but are thoughts that exist and occur in real life. And they have real consequences, such as all the sex tourism that exists in some countries with the prostitution of minors or the sexual abuse of children.” These profiles actively seek to find their peers and strengthen themselves with them, he says. Often, using the feeling of impunity that social networks generate.

In this case, two issues are linked: the issue of pedophilia, with all this rape culture and all the machismo through which women are objectified and sexualized.

Marian Blanco Ruiz, doctor in audiovisual communication and advertising and researcher specialized in gender, adolescents and new technologies

“In this case, two issues are linked: the issue of pedophilia, of the feeling that age is not something that should prevent a sexual relationship, with all the rape culture and all the machismo through which women are objectified and sexualized. With all this sexist imagery according to which women must be “liberated”, as some comments say, to strengthen their own masculinity,” the researcher analyzes.

The debate on the protection of minors

Blanco Ruiz also points out the “overexposure of minors” on social networks. “She is an actress, she has a public image and it was only an interview, but it reveals this part that we think is hidden from society, but which is there. These people do not only exist in the Deep weband what happened reopens the debate about the extent to which we protect minors on social networks.

The expert insists on the danger of having a profile picture on WhatsApp of our children or sharing videos of them on vacation. “We think we don’t know anyone like that, but the official data makes us think.” The ANAR Foundation (2020) conducted a study that shows an alarming increase in cases of abuse, multiplied by four in the last decade and reaching 20.5% in the last five years, attributed to the use of new technologies such as grooming and the sextingIn 2022, 954 complaints were filed for online sex crimes whose victim was a child or adolescent, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior. Organizations such as Save the Children have been calling for years, through reports such as “For Justice for Children, 2023”, for measures to be taken such as the establishment of specialized courts for the care of child victims of violence or the creation of a specific Public Prosecutor’s Office for violence against children.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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