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HomeLatest NewsSocial Security announces the day it will pay the new contribution

Social Security announces the day it will pay the new contribution

THE Self-employed workers in Spain pay the mostin particular a new tax which could cost them more than we imagine. We are the highest paying in all of Europe, paying to work and collecting taxes, something we need to start taking into account and which could end up giving us more than one surprise. Young people who are now starting to earn a living will have to pay more to realize their dream.

A change that could end up being one that marks a future that is not good for these workers. They will be faced with a new challenge that will place them at the bottom of Europe and they will do it with an eye on a situation that is not good at all. They will have to pay more, gradually, as if their income were changed or as if a monthly payment was fair and which would depend on what they earn. Of course, new, a few euros will be deducted from the previous price and a few hundred euros will be added if a certain amount is exceeded. If you are self-employed, you want to know the latest news in this sector.

Independents get a new stick

The search for fair quotas to be able to survive and work in what we love resulted in a massive increase in the wages of self-employed workers at the end of the month. The country’s top VAT and tax collectors will face a huge increase in what they pay at the end of the month.

Social security announced what awaits us shortlywith a plan to gradually increase these quotas, until reaching levels that no one would perhaps have imagined. We live in times of change and great challenges.

The new generations will have to face a series of transformations that perhaps no one would have imagined with figures that can really make your hair stand on end. That time will come when we take out the calculator and calculate what it costs us to work.

The new quota for self-employed workers seems to involve a series of elements that go hand in hand and which could end up giving rise to some fundamental details. In a few months we will start paying a little more than what could be essential fees.

Social Security announces the day it will pay the new contribution

As infoautonomos tells us: “The payment of the contribution will generally be made at the end of each month in the administrations of the General Treasury of Social Security, by domiciling the payment with your financial institution or via the website of the Social Security. It should be noted that, both during the month of registration and cancellation as an independent, the payment of the derived fees will be proportional to the days of registration, without having to pay the entire monthly payment. Without forgetting that in addition to Social Security, you also have certain obligations towards the Treasury which are those derived from the taxation of the self-employed.

This payment is one of the first to be madewithout starting to work or without taking into account what is paid in those years. Since 2023, prices have started to change, experiencing an increase that differentiates those who pay the least from those who pay the most and which is linked to their billing.

By continuing on the same website, self-employed fees will see a significant increase.

  • Year 2023: minimum price of 230 euros and maximum of 500 euros*.
  • Year 2024: minimum price of 230.15 euros and maximum of 542.13 euros*.
  • Year 2025: minimum price of 200 euros and maximum of 590 euros*.

As we see, the decrease has nothing to do with the increase, which means 30 euros less for some, but more than 100 for others. A significant difference that makes working or starting a business more complicated.

The dates we need to consider are these types of sections that may end up being the ones we put on the agenda.

The date of the request will establish when the change will take effect, as follows:

  • From January 1 to the last day of February: the rate change begins on March 1.
  • From March 1 to April 30: The price change begins on May 1.
  • From May 1 to June 30: The quota change begins on July 1.
  • From July 1 to August 31: The price change begins on September 1.
  • From September 1 to October 31: the price change begins on November 1.
  • From November 1 to December 31: the price change begins on January 1.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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