Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 2:03 am
HomeBreaking News"Sometimes things fail, it won't happen again"

“Sometimes things fail, it won’t happen again”

The Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, This Thursday he defended the professionalism of the Mossos d’Esquadra after the “failure” which led to the flight of Carles Puigdemont on the day of Salvador Illa’s inauguration as president of the Generalitat.

“To all we would have liked him to be arrested as things unfolded, but I want to leave this new direction of the Mossos and the previous one safe,” Grande-Marlaska said. “Sometimes things fail and it’s hard to justify it; I am convinced that will not repeat itself”, added.

In his speech at the Europa Forum Breakfast, he assured that institutional “loyalty” remains, including the different Catalan Interior Ministers and the new team formed by Salvador Illa and with Josep Luis Trapero as age Mossos. “People can be reassured”he said.

The Interior Minister, who thanked the presence of representatives of the Mossos at the event held this Thursday in Madrid, said that the Catalan police “did not like” Puigdemont’s escape. “It implied failure” he acknowledged, specifying that “this is not due to a lack of professionalism and diligence on the part of the Mossos.”

“They have all my respect” He went on to refer to the Mossos, highlighting their “great professionalism.” In addition, she returned to her “most difficult week,” in October 2019, when violent protests took place in Barcelona against the conviction of the processto stress that the coordination since then has been “extraordinary”.

“We could not allow a dead person to be on the streets of Barcelona”he stressed in reference to the protests led in 2019 by pro-independence groups unhappy with the Supreme Court’s decision against the leaders of the “process”. According to Grande-Marlaska, this collaboration has “marked” both parties and established an “unassailable loyalty”.




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