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Soria Now attacks the government for equating aid to empty Spain with the concert in Catalonia

The Soria Citizen Platform NOW! describes as “a pile of lies” the statements made by the spokesperson for the PSOE leadership, Esther Peña, in which she equated the aid for the operation of self-employed workers and companies in Soria, Teruel and Cuenca with the “single tax” for Catalonia agreed between the CPS and the ERC to invest Salvador Illa as president of the Generalitat.

For the citizens’ movement, this is a desperate attempt by the PSOE to explain this agreement outside of Catalonia and among its regional barons, comparing “pears with apples because they are not able to convince even their own”.

From Soria NOW! reminds Esther Peña that the operating aid for the three most depopulated provinces in Spain, which suffer from a serious imbalance with the rest of Spain, was authorized in April 2021 by the European Commission precisely because they are the only Spanish provinces with a population density lower than 12.5 inhabitants per square kilometer, which is considered a demographic desert. It was not until January 2023 that the Spanish government launched them “in such a meager way that They are not useful because they are insufficient, something that will end up leading the Commission to refuse this aid, so necessary for the future of Soria,” they insist from the citizens’ platform.

Likewise, they regret that the socialist spokesperson, general secretary of the PSOE of Burgos, does not know what this aid consists of, “it is not a differentiated tax, she should know, especially since a politician from Burgos like her often speaks with her colleagues from Soria. The reality is that he knowingly mixes churras with merinas, to confuse public opinion and try to get out of the quagmire that this agreement with ERC to obtain the government of Catalonia has caused in its ranks. “The political interest of a party weighed more than the common interest of all Spaniards.”.

Soria NOW! demands that Esther Peña correct her statements, publicly clarify what is the operating aid that is applied “very little in Soria by the Sánchez government” and stop deceiving with a question “very serious for the citizens of Soria” This is an open step of a problem that the PSOE created to access power in Catalonia.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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