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Spain ends summer with loss of nearly 200,000 members and 22,000 more unemployed

The end of summer always brings bad news for jobs. Spain lost 193,704 Social Security members in August (-0.91%), the worst month of August since the approval of the labor reform. Thus, the total number of contributors closed the summer period in 21 189 402. For his part, Employment services added 21,884 unemployed (+0.86%), bringing the total number of unemployed to 2,572,121, the lowest figure for the month of August since 2008.

Education is the sector that leads the falls in affiliation, with 72,338 fewer workers than in July (-6.65%), where the data also fell. However, compared to August last year, this sector recorded 14.45% more contributors to Social Security. The second sector that declined the most in absolute terms was construction, with 19,060 fewer affiliates (-1.88%).

Compared to August 2023, Spain has almost half a million additional workers (+2.33%) and 130,579 fewer unemployed (-4.8%). In corrected figures – excluding seasonality and calendar effects – the total number of contributors amounts to 21,198,679 (30,189 more than in July).

The record of Social Security statistics is down in almost all sectors compared to July, even if health and social services activities have gained 17,012 affiliates. He emphasizes that the almost stable behavior of the hotel industrywhich totals 2,172 contributors, in another example of the extension of the tourist season until September.

In annual terms, the increase in membership occurs in almost all sectors, with the largest increase being that mentioned in education. The experience of these health activities also stands out, with 73,562 more members than a year ago, and that of the hospitality sector, with 59,207. On the contrary, Public administration lost 43,956 contributors last year (-3.57%).

We have consolidated the 21.1 million workers and we are very close to 21.2 million, in a month with a strong seasonal component. In addition, it should be noted that the presence of foreign subsidiaries is one of the drivers of our labor market,” he stressed. Elma SaizMinister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.

Similarly, his ministry points out that, in seasonally adjusted terms, Employment has increased by 355,743 workers so far this year and 480,516 compared to the same month of 2023, after “52 months of uninterrupted employment growth.”

End of sequence

With unemployment rising in August, this becomes end of the series of falls suffered during the previous six monthsHowever, the Ministry of Labor emphasizes that this is the best August since 2008. Likewise, and according to seasonally adjusted data, unemployment decreased in August by 7,724 people.

Registered unemployment decreased in agriculture by 2,337 people (-2.60%) and among the group without previous employment by 3,150 people (-1.33%). On the contrary, increase in services by 20,189 people (+1.11%); in construction 4,187 people (+2.11%); and in industry 2,995 people (+1.50%).

Female unemployment increased by 10,913 women (+0.71%), totaling 1,550,658, the lowest figure in the historical series for the month of August. Compared to the same month of 2023, female unemployment decreased by 78,783 women (-4.83%).

For its part, male unemployment increased by 10,971 men (1.09%), bringing the total number of registered unemployed to 1,021,463.

At the same time, employment agencies added 2,186 young people to registered unemployment (+1.25%), for a total of 177,112 unemployed people under 25the lowest figure for an August in the entire series.




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