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Spanish Democracy According to Armengol

“I have little hope in the PP’s decision. At the time we had already offered them the votes of our group. But if you prefer to continue supporting The Senne There will be no going back and Prohens “She will remain the least democratic president of all the Balearic Islands,” he said. Francine Armengol one day before the plenary session that was to decide on the dismissal of Gabriel Le Senne. Statements that were reported with great fanfare by all the media and press agencies, as if the president of the Cortes had said something important or new. There are few politicians in Spain, even fewer with almost thirty years of professional dedication behind them, with the ability to ruin political and legal language as Armengol does every time he speaks. old cathedral. That people of this level are the ones who govern the destiny of the nation perfectly explains the degree of rottenness to which we have reached.

Armengol blames Marga Prohens for keeping Le Senne in power and sees no more derogatory insult than that of “a less democratic president”as if democracy were the supreme value above all other values, which suggests that Armengol is a democratic fundamentalist. From the story he has after almost thirty years in politics, he better be one, surely, who else?, even if it is a poor quality democracy like the Spanish democracy that barely meets the minimum standards of illustrious skeptics like Karl PopperOne of the few virtues of democracy, according to Popper, is that it allows leaders who have done badly to be expelled every four years. Armengol, a loser born defeated how many times Apart from the 2019 regional elections, this is the most striking example of the uselessness of our democracy, even just to get rid of those whom the sovereign people He turned his back on him again and again. Like Pedro Sánchez, just like that.

But more than what Armengol says with his wooden language, what his words presuppose is worse. Let us leave for another day the nihilism of those who believe in nothing and who logically do not hesitate to erect a simple decision-making procedure (half plus one) as democracy to an end in itself, as if half plus one could decide what is Good or Truth. Let us leave this debate for another time and concentrate on what Armengol implies about the functioning of our democracy founded under the 1978 regime.

By holding Marga Prohens personally responsible for the fate of Gabriel Le Senne, the investigation starts from the premise that the supreme leader of the PP is the one who leads not only the government but also the regional parliament. The holy trinity (party, executive, legislative) resides in the same person, which means nothing less than the third authority of Spain. It is the democracy that “we all created” and which is characterized by the fact that there is no separation of powers, there never has been (and even less since 1985, when the socialists liquidated the judiciary), nor limited government with effective checks and balances as evidenced by its colonization by the party in government, nor real representation between voters and elected officials since, with the closed and blocked lists, there is no elective mandate (even if, constitutionally, they can do it, mind you) He will give priority to the interests of his voters over those of the leader of his own party when it is the latter who ultimately registers or removes you from the electoral lists or appoints you to political office.

Armengol does not deceive anyone and does not intend to do so when he projects onto Prohens the functional automatisms of Spanish democracy that she knows first-hand. He does not even resort to hypocrisy, the last tribute that vice pays to virtue, as La Rochefoucauld said. Spanish democracy is made up of an oligarchy of parties that, as you know, is the power of a few (a nomenclature) within each party and this ends up, once power is conquered, extending automatically and omnipresently to all the powers of the State.

If Spain does not want to continue on the path of moral, social, economic and territorial decomposition, it must get rid of individuals like Armengol and Sánchez, who are in reality outgrowths of an exhausted political system that can no longer give itself. But above all, We need to start considering ending closed and blocked lists and state financing of parties, the true origin of the disastrous oligarchy of parties, the same one that has allowed people like Armengol and Sánchez to remain in the spotlight without having won any elections other than the internal primaries of their party.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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