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speaks of “deception” on the part of the government despite signing “after studying” the reform which benefits ETA members

The reform that will advance the release of prisoners from prison some ETA murderers will move forward, since the Popular Party (PP) did not do its job and that he delay in Senate vote what they have achieved will be of no use. It is true that the leader of the popular parties, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, admitted this Tuesday “the error” which he describes as “unjustifiable”However, he did not hesitate to try to place all the responsibility on the Government by accusing it of having committed acts a “hoax”. What is clear is that it was his people who were wrong.

Neither Genoa nor its members of Congress were informed when the amendment was introduced last July. Neither when they voted on the presentation report or when it was sent to the Justice Commission. Even during the vote on the standard in the plenary session of the Lower House, where it has 137 seats. In fact, this Tuesday, we learned that all They had on their table a report of only a dozen pages in which, in bold letters, was explained what the reform entailed.

But none of this has stopped some in their ranks from calling for heads to roll. what they consider to be a government “trap”. One of them is the popular spokesman of Congress, Miguel Tellado, who accused the Executive of being “capable of the lowest deception that we could never have imagined.”

That of deception, however, is a thesis that lacks arguments if we focus on the report that the members of the Justice Commission received on September 12. As can be seen in the image below these lines, this is a document which indicates that The limitations of Law 7/2014 are removed. A key aspect that allowed us to rule out the sentences served in European Union countries.

“A directive which, as has actually been said, should have been transferred two years ago and that it arrives two years late, although it was a relatively simple thing”, declared on September 18 the popular deputy José Manuel Velasco. He is precisely one of those designated in the PP as member of the Commission of Justice. There, his companions accompany him. Maria Jesus Moro and Rafael Benigno.

The internal earthquake was inevitable and despite the mea culpa » Intoned by its president, for the moment no one is taking responsibility. In fact, Tellado insisted during the morning that “more than responsibilities,” the day should be about “search for solutions”. A few hours later, popular sources spoke of “collective responsibility”, while excluding targeting individual people.

However, this position did not please certain sectors of the popular ranks. The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, describes what happened “obviously” as “a very serious error by the opposition”. The seriousness of the Spanish political right is such that it They breached Vox. Party members acknowledge having received several calls from members deregistering, while demanding accountability.

All this happens on a day when the Minister of Justice, Félix Bolaños, called the popular Cuca Gamarra after she sent him a message demanding that the Executive stop processing the law. Beyond defending the reform and questioning the turnaround of the popular party, during the telephone call, the minister took the opportunity to reproach him for the “unexpected change of mind”.

But for now, nothing indicates that the socialists will back down. Despite, of course, the insistence of Genoa to stop the law, which also tried to reverse the situation by delaying the vote in the Senate, where they have an absolute majority. While waiting for the vote to take place, what is clear is that the result is that ETA, which no longer kills, is once again a protagonist in Spanish politics.

Without going any further, during this afternoon’s session in the Senate, the popular Alicia García addressed Bolaños to Demand that they “apologize for what happened to ETA members.” “They have released the rapists, the putschists and now the terrorists from prison,” said the senator, who demanded that “out of democratic dignity, they prevent the release of the assassins of Miguel Ángel Blanco and Múgica.” “They insist on disrupting everything (…) and they will not find me there,” replied the minister.

Génova’s speech thus aims to emphasize that they feel deceived by the government of Pedro Sánchez. The proof is that Feijóo came to speak of “parliamentary stuff”. Comments to which the minister’s spokesperson, Pilar Alegría, responded, who, after the Council of Ministers, declared in substance that in the PP, they knew perfectly well what they were voting for when they said yes to this reform.

As this is a delicate issue, prominent members of the PP took the opportunity to continue their continued attack on the government, once again using ETA as a political weapon with atrocities such as those committed by Tellado and Ayuso. While the first speaks of a “Pedro Sánchez held at gunpoint by Bildu”, The regional president defends him “ETA is more alive than ever.”




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