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HomeLatest NewsSports Court annuls presidential elections recently called by the Football Federation

Sports Court annuls presidential elections recently called by the Football Federation

The Administrative Court of Sports (TAD) has decided to cancel the recent call for presidential elections announced a few weeks ago by the Football Federation (RFEF), as announced by Iusport and confirmed by, which had access to the car. In this way, it supports the appeal presented by Miguel Ángel Galán, president of the Cenafe training center, and forces the cancellation of the elections, knowing that Pedro Rocha – disqualified by the TAD itself for exceeding his functions as president of the management company that replaced Luis Rubiales – was not conveniently removed from office by agreement of the General Assembly.

The administrative court argues that disqualification does not imply automatic revocation, which is a decision that must be made explicitly, so elections cannot be called to replace Rocha if Rocha himself has not been legally removed.

After this resolution, which once again plunges the RFEF into chaos, another question remains: should the next elections be for an interim president with the current Assembly (heir to the Rubiales era) or should the Football Federation skip this step and call the final elections for a new Assembly – which, due to a legal change, will be more equal or with less control over the regional presidents – which in turn will elect a new president for four years. The official candidate in the elections that have just been cancelled was Rocha’s right-hand man, whose future now remains uncertain.

Sources critical of the current leadership point out that the extension of the process benefits the accused president Pedro Rocha because it gives him time to run for office and warn that the control of the times and the government of the RFEF during the electoral process gives advantages to Rubialism and its heirs.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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