Experts found a series of details It makes your hair stand on end, a strange space object is traveling so fast that it could escape from the Milky Way. Space exploration is the frontier that awaits us in the future. Leaving Earth happens almost anecdotally, since human beings do not have the means to do so. But that does not mean that these experts do not hesitate to reinforce certain challenges that will make an important difference.
Without a doubt, those days will come when technology can advance sufficiently, but so far these steps do not seem possible, without the help of some mistakes and failures, but also without that study of what we see outside our planet that we must. take into consideration. The time will have come to begin preparing to take a new step, with the help of some details that will mark the path in these days of study of space objects. There is one that is particularly worrying, because it is going too fast and could end up being something that would not be expected.
The experts’ stern warning
THE Astronomy is a science that invites us to be very attentive of a series of elements that are essential and that we may not have taken into account until now. We are faced with an element that will accompany us and will end up creating a series of elements that will make an important difference.
The study of objects that arrive or pass close to the Earth is something that is done systematically and not only by experts who do not hesitate to act in the matter, but also by professionals who can end up being those who mark a before and after.
So we can begin to create a series of elements that will accompany us at that time. In a cycle change that could be fundamental, experts have been able to detect an object that has no explanation, but rather an element that can cause more than one headache.
They are tracking its trajectory to verify that it will eventually leave the Milky Way’s gravitational field at high speed.
This is the strange object that could escape from the Milky Way
NASA and also expert physicists in a study of the galaxy it can affect us fully in every way. So we must be aware of what is happening beyond the skies. So the time has come to understand this object a little more thanks to the experts at El Tiempo.
As these experts tell us: “The focus has been on a red dwarf. It is a star less massive and fainter than the Sun. Red dwarfs are the most abundant stars in the galaxy (among which they still fuse hydrogen into helium). What is surprising is that this star is moving at 600 kilometers per second, a speed much faster than that of the Sun. The discovery is remarkable because it is the first low-mass hypervelocity star discovered. The star is 400 light-years from Earth and is therefore the closest hypervelocity star discovered to date. Due to its trajectory, it is possible that it will eventually leave the Milky Way (something that would happen in millions of years, since it will take a long time to leave the galaxy). The star has been catalogued as CWISE J124909+362116.0, commonly abbreviated as J1249+36, and was first identified by several volunteers of the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 project, which can be found on Zooniverse at this link and is open to everyone.
They also found an explanation for why it is moving so fast: “In the first scenario, J1249+36 was the companion of a slightly more massive star, specifically a white dwarf (a Sun-like star that has reached the end of its life), around which it orbited at close range. In a very close orbit, the white dwarf steals material from its companion and could eventually explode in a supernova. Although the white dwarf was destroyed in the supernova, J1249+36 was released from the system and ejected at its original orbital velocity, plus an increase provided by the explosion. According to the researchers, the numbers fit this scenario.
This may be a first step in discovering a phenomenon that in a few years may not be so strange: “It is possible that we are seeing a star that, in millions of years, will leave this galaxy and head towards intergalactic space. “With better technology, there is no doubt that more hypervelocity stars will be discovered in the years to come.”