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HomeBreaking Newsstrengthens ties with Xi as EU distances itself

strengthens ties with Xi as EU distances itself

It was already an important step when in March 2023, Pedro Sanchez went to Beijing, invited by Xi Jinpingamid the greatest cross-dialectical tensions between the European Union and the Asian giant. The dictator of the superpower has expressly included the Spanish president in his contacts with European leaders, at the very moment when Ursula von der Leyen He accused Beijing of “working to change the world order.”

The European President proclaimed the doctrine of deriskeither damage control…an intermediate step between the growing and debilitating dependence of the EU and that of the decoupling… that’s to say, the disconnect that the United States would have preferred. Europe cannot and does not want to go that far. Spain, even less, because as the leading middle power in the Union, it can take advantage of it to take advantageous positions. And Sánchez and Xi have read it.

Less than 18 months after this visit at the end of March 2023, Sánchez returned to Beijing and Shanghai, accompanied by his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jose Manuel Albares.

This is a clear example, according to Moncloa, of the importance that China gives to Spain as an actor in the Western concert. And the data corroborate it. No other head of the Spanish democratic government has enjoyed such “privileged” treatment from a superpower, with the exception of Jose Maria Aznar with George W. Bush during the four years they coincided in power at the beginning of this century.

But these were turbulent circumstances because, after September 11, Aznar knew how to approach the American, needs allies in its ‘global war on terror’The popular Spaniard had the experience against ETA and the ambition to turn Spain towards an unequivocal Atlanticism.

“We will do everything”

“In Sánchez’s case, the difference,” a diplomatic source points out, “is that in a year and a half he will have visited Xi twice and, in the meantime, he was with Biden at the White House.” That is to say, the socialist president is playing a real role of broker Western, “exploring ways to establish a positive bilateral, European and Western agenda with China. And Xi appreciates and recognizes it.

When Sánchez visited the Chinese capital just over 17 months ago, a year after Russia began its invasion of Ukraine, China’s logistical support for Ukraine was increasingly evident. Vladimir Putinthe “friend without limits”, and the tensions due to the “trade imbalance” increasingly favourable to Beijing were already threatening war at the WTO.

The EU has opted for derisk as a strategy to prevent China from being seen OBLIGATORY explicitly and definitively opt for Moscow. “We will do everything to avoid war,” he declared. Emmanuel Macron that week at the European Council. And “all” is that Sánchez visited Beijing, then the French and the Germans. Olaf Scholzand finally, President Von der Leyen or the High Representative, Joseph Borrell.

The Union wants to maintain ties, but at a distance. Continue to do business with Beijing, but protect your own industryin the same way that China refuses to open certain sectors to competition, while invades the world with its manufacturing sector, investments and infrastructure.

This is why the EU has just imposed customs duties of 37.6% on Chinese electric cars, for example… and this is why Sánchez will meet with companies from the sector. If Spain is currently a European power in this sector, the conversion to greener mobility can Finding “synergies” between Madrid and Beijing.

Goal one

There are three objectives of this new trip to China for Moncloa. The first is to maintain the political dynamic in favor of these “privileged” bilateral relationship.

For this reason, Sánchez will be received not only by Xi, but also by the Prime Minister, Li Qiang; the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Zhao Leji; and for Chen Jining, Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai, a key figure in entering the country’s commercial capital and a very important figure as a member of the Politburo.

China has very strong interests in Latin America and Africatwo of the backyards the most important for Spain. “It also unites us,” explain sources from Moncloa. The Southern Cone is the traditional territory of our country and the region of the planet in which Sánchez has traveled the most during his years as president.

The government still insists on the possibility that Spain is the country brother country of some of the most important countries of the so-called “Global South”. A concept that China knows how to lead politically and economically. The same as in Africa, southern district of Spain from which the Spanish president came a week ago, and towards which he is trying to attract the attention of NATO. In the meantime, a “privileged” relationship with Beijing will allow Spain not to lose its footing in the Sahel and beyond.

Recent successful Chinese initiatives, such as reconciliation between Palestinian factions last July, have made Beijing increasingly unavoidable for Spain as well.

Objectives two and three

The second objective – in fact the most important, even if it is not viable without the strengthening of the first – is strengthening economic ties. The bilaterals and the Europeans, in a “balanced and more symmetrical” relationship. This will be one of the clear and express requests of Sánchez to Xi and the rest of his interlocutors.

China is a country with enormous economic and trade opportunities. This is why the President will travel with a large representation of businessmen with interests already established in the Asian country, or in perspective.

Sanchez, moreover, is invited to the Business Advisory Boardin Beijing, which brings together 15 Spanish companies and 21 Chinese companies. In addition, it will participate in the Shanghai Forumwhere you can learn about the interests and needs of several SMEs represented there.

Beijing is an essential and irreplaceable player on the international scene, which continues to increase its global weight. Its economic success has translated into global power. Thus, the establishment of a privileged economic, commercial and business relationship, which constitutes the most reciprocal common language, opens a safe path in the geopolitical context with the world’s second superpower.

China is the world’s largest exporter, which has changed global value chains and generated strong dependencies. The trade balance with Spain is increasingly asymmetrical, already two to one (10 billion in imports for 5 billion in exports). And Sánchez will try to explain the benefits of a greater balance, taking advantage of sectors of mutual interest, such as the green transition.

There are over 1.4 billion consumers, including 600 million citizens constitute the largest middle class in the world. To achieve this, it is crucial to have a fluid dialogue with the Chinese authorities in order to guarantee the freest possible access to our products and services. This is impossible today, since Xi’s government is playing the advantage, with increasingly protectionist trends.

It is planned to sign various trade agreementsalready negotiated before the visit of Sánchez and Albares. According to the sources consulted, they will discuss new dialogue mechanisms, the digital economy, green development and environmental protection…

In the coming months, the World Trade Organization will have to face the European complaint against Chinese electric car industryand Beijing’s response: investigations into European aid to other economic sectors, being the Pork sanctions those that would most affect Spain.

The sources consulted emphasize that “strategic partnership” between China and Spain has already reached a “complete”beyond Beijing being the leader of the “other side” of the world. And that this “privileged relationship” allows Sánchez to have a credible dialogue with Xi in this area.

The third objective is to support the Spanish cultural exchanges, education and science in China. It is about promoting better mutual understanding between the two societies, which are very distant both geographically and culturally. In Shanghai, Sánchez will inaugurate the new center of the Cervantes Institutemaking Spain the first country in the world to have two cultural sites of this order on Chinese soil.

Sanchez plans to sign several agreements to open up even more new cultural centersdevelop vocational training together, promote mobility of researchers between the two countries and greater cultural cooperation in the field of cinema and audiovisual arts.

Multilateral actor

Sánchez’s commitment to international politics has always been through multilateralism. Not only in words, in his speeches, but also in actions, with a uninterrupted presence in global forums, as well as with contributions of funds significant.

This opens doors, generates credibility and trust in these areas. And China has also abandoned its traditional isolationism over the past decade. Backed by its economic power and strengthened by its growing military arm, Xi has increased its presence in various multilateral mechanisms, such as The United Nations or the G20in which Spain also participates, as a permanent guest.

China’s influence in these spaces reflects its ability to act as an interlocutor in relations between the major world blocs. Sánchez will discuss these issues with Xi and the rest of the interlocutors. Since the war waged by Russia against Ukraine to stability on the peninsula Korea and tensions with Taiwan.




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