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HomeBreaking NewsSumar and Bildu will attend Sheinbaum's inauguration and challenge Felipe VI's "arrogance"...

Sumar and Bildu will attend Sheinbaum’s inauguration and challenge Felipe VI’s “arrogance” and “disdain”

The member for Add and leader of “common goods”, Gerard Pisarellowill participate in inauguration of the elected president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaumand justified the exclusion of King Felipe VI from this ceremony, after having acted with “arrogance” and “enormous diplomatic clumsiness.”

The parliamentarian confirmed Europe Press who will attend the event and in a video on social networks, he stressed that they will return their “respect to this worthy people” that is Mexico. He will not be the only deputy present since Jon Iñarritu (Bildu) will do it tooas confirmed by training sources of this agency.

In addition, sources from the “commons” point out that the former mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, is already in Mexico and it is foreseeable that she will also attend, with Pisarello, the inauguration of the new Mexican president.

All this after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected the fact that the monarch had not been invited to the Spanish delegation, as is usually the case, and established that No member of the Executive would attend the inauguration.

In accordance with this directive, the Second Vice-President Yolanda Diaz will not move to Mexico to attend the event even though she had been invited and had expressed her desire to go. Today, Sumar’s spokesman, Íñigo Errejón, stressed that they were complying with the criteria of Foreign Affairs and called for reflection on whether Felipe VI was an appropriate figure to represent Spain abroad.

While several deputies They openly questioned the position of the department led by José Manuel Albaresas in the case of Enrique Santiago and Tesh Sidi, and several members of the group described as a mistake and clumsiness the fact that members of the government did not attend the inauguration of a new progressive executive.

Regarding this controversy, Pisarello stressed that the outgoing president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, He continued by letter to Felipe VI for the outrages committed during the Spanish conquest and that the Royal House, instead of acting with respect, He chose “arrogance” and did not respond to this letter.

This is precisely the argument that Sheinbaum used to justify his decision to invite the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, and not the monarch.

“He could have apologized like Pope Francis, like many European monarchs who have also apologized (…) but he opted for arrogance and disdain. And today he is paying the price for this enormous diplomatic blunder,” Pisarello stressed.

According to him, with this attitude It is “logical that a King who does not respect is not respected”, “that a king he has despised should be snubbed” and emphasize that in Congress, “many” believe that Mexico “is a people not of subjects but of free men and women.”




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