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Sumar calls for budgets to include a ban on buying apartments for speculation purposes and a tax on large inheritances

Sumar wants to leave his mark on the general state budgets. To this end, he has prepared a document with contributions from the five ministries, the parties that make up the coalition and the parliamentary group. A starting point for negotiations with the Socialist Party that includes some measures such as a temporary ban on buying homes for speculative purposes, limited to tense areas, a universal education allowance of 200 euros and a special tax for large inheritances.

In a 35-page text, negotiated this summer at the different levels of the coalition, Sumar includes proposals articulated around three main pillars: measures to control real estate prices, a tax reform with the implementation of new taxes and the expansion of social rights with a battery of aid. “Pearls of march. Accounts to transform,” reads the title of the text that Sumar made public this Monday at an event presented by the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz and the ministers of the coalition, in an image designed to show unity in the political space.

“There is a tool, a national proposal and a budget proposal. Spain cannot and must not be on the defensive. The people of the coalition want us to transform. Spain wants more, the workers, the young people, the people, the LGTBI want more,” Díaz defended in the speech in which he presented the document.


The problems of access to housing concentrate some of the most striking measures of the document. Among the most notable, Sumar proposes to “temporarily prohibit the purchase of housing in areas in difficulty for uses other than usual housing or affordable rental.” This is what they summarize in a slogan: prohibit the purchase of housing for speculative purposes. “In the current emergency situation that our country is experiencing, the purchase of housing cannot have a speculative purpose,” we can read in the text.

Although the coalition government of the PSOE and Unidas Podemos approved a housing law in the last legislature, its effects are barely perceptible in society since the powers in this matter are delegated to the autonomous communities, governed mostly from 28M for the PP. That is why Sumar is now proposing measures to combat what they call “inaction”. “If they are not intended to be used, we are going to temporarily ban them in stressed areas,” said Díaz.

“It is proposed to make all public housing aid intended for the Autonomous Communities conditional on their application of the instruments of the Housing Law to limit rental prices,” states the text that Sumar will bring to negotiation within the Government. In parallel with this measure, the coalition demands that the permanent contract be “a default contract for rental housing, as is the case for employment contracts.”

They also call for an increase in the social housing stock. For example, through the construction during the legislature of “500,000 social rental housing units between 400 and 600 euros in areas of tension where the mobilization of empty housing is insufficient.”

Tax reform

“To modernize Spain, we have a major reform pending, the tax reform. We have a tax system that dates back to the 20th century. Which is opaque to gender. Bonus for those at the top, there is an exclusion of income from above,” the Minister of Labor defended himself during the presentation. “It is not about using a verb, the verb to rise. It is about using a subject, who must pay taxes,” he said.

One of the measures to initiate this reform involves the creation of a new tax. “Inheritances that amount to more than one million euros must contribute more,” he announced, contrasting his policy with that of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who, according to him, “gives gifts to the rich so that Juan Pueblo pays later.” “benefits.” The document states that this measure aims to “avoid downward tax competition in inheritance and gift taxes.” “It is proposed to create a significant inheritance tax or, alternatively, to include capital gains from inheritances and gifts in personal income tax. This tax would be the difference between the state tax and that established by the autonomous communities, incentivizing the latter not to reduce the tax below the established minimum,” he explains.

Since the approval of the General State Budget does not allow the introduction of new taxes or the modification of the personal income tax, Sumar proposes to the PSOE that the agreement on public accounts be accompanied by a commitment to approve this new tax through a new bill within six months.

The coalition also proposes to strengthen corporate tax, to perpetuate the tax on banks and large electricity companies, and to strengthen the tax on large fortunes. “Modify this direct, personal tax, complementary to the Wealth Tax (IP) so that it taxes the net assets of individuals exceeding 1,000,000 euros – without prejudice to the minimum exempt amount of 700,000 euros, initially applicable only to those subject to tax due to personal rights. obligation instead of 3,000,000 euros as currently indicated,” they propose.

Parental allowance

“Our first task is called inequality, reducing inequality in Spain,” said the second vice-president of the government when introducing the measures of the social rights block, in which the Minister of Social Rights, Pablo, had a special participation. Bustinduy.

To do this, they are resuming a negotiation already opened with the PSOE to pay the first four weeks of the eight-week leave, already in force, for parental care. An agreement that seeks to comply with European Directive 2019/1158. “Paid leave for care up to the age of 8 must be established urgently with the aim of paying at least 4 weeks of parental care leave per child to immediately comply with Directive 2019/1158 of the European Parliament,” the text states.

They also propose extending maternity leave to 20 weeks and creating a new support, a universal child-rearing allowance. “In order to combat child poverty, it is essential to strengthen the child-rearing allowance in these budgets. It is proposed to create a family allowance for parenthood of 200 euros per month for the age group between 0 and 18 years, to be implemented gradually,” they propose.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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