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HomeBreaking NewsSummer school for teachers from Eurasian countries has started in Almaty

Summer school for teachers from Eurasian countries has started in Almaty

The third International Summer School for teachers from Eurasian countries opened in Almaty on September 10, the correspondent reports. EADailyThe theme of the event is “The quality of education and the rapprochement of cultures: theory and practice of the development of knowledge societies.” The forum is organized by the International Centre for the Rapprochement of Cultures (ICRC) under the auspices of UNESCO, headed by the Kazakh poet and public figure Olzhas Suleimenov.

In the context of globalization, the progress of any country depends on the new generations. Therefore, one of the conditions that the State sets for education is the formation of an individual who has the skills and knowledge for intercultural dialogue aimed at bringing cultures closer together.

By holding the International Summer School, MCSC fosters the interaction of a scientist, an innovative teacher with teachers from different educational levels so that effective communications allow building cooperation and improving the quality of the educational process through the development of a platform for dialogue for the exchange of knowledge and the rapprochement of cultures.

As Olzhas Suleimenov pointed out, “Culture is, first of all, knowledge. Knowledge is necessary for the development of cultures, and development is necessary for their rapprochement. The rapprochement of cultures leads to peace.”

The activities of the International Summer School are aimed at instilling in people’s minds the principles underlying Kazakhstan’s peace-loving policy and UNESCO’s mandate, which are the cornerstone of peaceful, equal and respectful coexistence of diverse communities of people, regardless of their racial, ethnic or religious identity, at the national and global levels. The rapprochement of cultures is inextricably linked to the construction of knowledge societies.

Within the framework of the school’s work, a series of interactive lectures, master classes, trainings, exchange of experiences between speakers and participants will be held over three days, and collaborative initiatives between teachers and scientists will be supported. The speakers will be experts from the UNESCO social and human sciences sector, leading Kazakh and international scientists and teachers interested in the development of education.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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