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HomeLatest NewsSupreme Prosecutor's Office rejects Attorney General's accusation regarding Ayuso's partner's complaint

Supreme Prosecutor’s Office rejects Attorney General’s accusation regarding Ayuso’s partner’s complaint

The Supreme Court Prosecutor’s Office opposes the opening of an investigation into the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, for revealing secrets when publishing a statement by which he intended to deny various hoaxes on the admission of double tax fraud by businessman Alberto González Amador, associate of Isabel Díaz Ayuso. . This was stated by the lieutenant prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Ángeles Sánchez Conde, in a report that will be examined by the Criminal Chamber, responsible for deciding whether to open a trial against the highest representative of the public prosecutor’s office.

In his writing, Sánchez Conde maintains that the reasoned statement presented by the judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) Francisco Goyena does not have sufficient basis to accuse García Ortiz. And he defends that the statement published by the prosecution on the conversations with the lawyer of the Ayuso couple “was limited to denying, with chronologically systematized facts, the lies published by the newspapers El Mundo, Vozpopuli and Libertad Digital, as well as by the head of the Office of the President of the Community of Madrid.

Thus, the document insists on the fact that “no point” of the information contained in the information note of the prosecution, in which the events were detailed chronologically, was unknown at the time of their publication, since they had already been published in several media. “All the data which would have been revealed by this information note was, in reality, data of public knowledge”, maintains the lieutenant prosecutor. And he insists on the fact that “both the existence of the investigation for crimes against the Public Treasury and for falsification of documents [contra la pareja de Ayuso] “as the formulation of the complaint by the public prosecutor and the content of the emails between the prosecutor and the lawyer had already been published in various media.”

In addition, the lieutenant prosecutor affirms that it was “essential” to disseminate this note containing truthful information in the face of the “lies” of certain journalistic publications and the demonstrations carried out from the “environment” of the Presidency of the Community of Madrid . The writing also alludes to the “virulent reaction” from the “environment” of the Ayuso couple, who tried to put “the focus” on the Attorney General of Madrid – accused in the case – for her “possible link political-ideological” antagonistic. to that of Ayuso.

A “journalistic campaign”

According to the prosecutor’s office, an “orchestrated journalistic campaign was launched to question the actions of the Spanish prosecutor’s office, which seemed to be peppered with data that was in no way true” and which placed the institution “in a situation of serious discredit” , who deemed it “indispensable” to deny these statements in order to “convey to public opinion the correctness of the actions of the Prosecutor’s Office”.

The Superior Court of Madrid left the case in the hands of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court last July, when the investigating judge presented a reasoned statement emphasizing the need to indict García Ortiz as the main person responsible for this statement. “The full continuation of these procedures would require, in our opinion, to compare them with the version of the facts that the Attorney General of the State could give,” explains the order by which the TSJM left in question the procedural future of the Attorney General. hands of the room chaired by Manuel Marchena at the Supreme Court.

The decision whether or not to indict the Attorney General will be in the hands of a court of five judges presided over by Manuel Marchena and chaired by Susana Polo, in addition to Antonio del Moral, Juan Ramón Berdugo and Carmen Lamela. In addition to the reasoned presentation of the TSJM, the judges will also study a complaint from Clean Hands and the Foro Libertad y Alternativa Foundation, which includes Alejo Vidal-Quadras, the PP deputy in Madrid Daniel Portero, the former minister Jaime. Mayor Oreja and Fernando Savater, among others.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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