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Surprisingly, they think they’re superior

From the Austrian Nazis to the racists to the Israeli genocidaires, including the locals who let poor elderly people die with the same cruelty that no one has defended against ultraliberal greed, we will have to reject those who have hurt on the donkey of a prostitute. freedom and non-existent superiority

As if the tension surrounding us were not enough, on Tuesday afternoon, a new element with frightening consequences was added: Iran’s response to Iran’s bombings and invasion of Lebanon, in launching some 200 missiles against Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, which an exchange of threats followed. It adds to three other shocking events that have coincided in these days with a close relationship between them, even if it does not seem so at first glance: the triumph of the neo-Nazis in the Austrian elections, the new indiscriminate massacres from Israel to Lebanon. and Palestine and a shipwreck of Africans from Mali on the Canary island of El Hierro which left fifty people buried in the water. Human beings are the only ones who trip over the same stone twice, they say. And there is a strong element of arrogance in all these conflicts.

The extreme right, the Nazis and the fascists, started the Second World War with an enormous toll: between 40 and 50 million dead (mostly civilians, of course), no less than 100 million wounded, 50 million displaced and incalculable material destruction. ethical values. And here they are again as if global society had forgotten them.

From medieval kingdoms where everything was decided by the monarch, humanity moved – not without some pitfalls – to nation-states which, in their various forms, have guided us until today. In its internal organization, two positions clash: one believes that countries must adapt to the societies that constitute them, to what citizens decide; The other affirms – and often with authoritarian violence – that it is the people who must adapt to the countries, to an idiosyncrasy that some impose as optimal. A sort of continuation of monarchical absolutism. Take for example those who believe that bullfighting is a hallmark of their country and those who understand that it is much more patriotic to pay taxes to provide services to the wider community.

The ideology that organized the great destructive war is clear. This is the same one who was allowed to come back through an awkward hole in democracy in which he does not believe and which he intends to destroy. Fascisms are deeply nationalist. And it’s truly incredible that with his history, with his violation of essential human rights, his presence at the polls is allowed… so that soulless idiots can elect them as their representatives.

Nationalism is based, according to the thinker Hanna Arendt, on the correlation established between citizenship and nationality, excluding those who are not equal. “The State is an open society which governs a territory where its powers protect and dictate the laws; “The state only knows citizens, regardless of what nationality they belong to,” Arendt said.

The tragedy of El Hierro has behind it, as its seed, the racists who believe themselves superior to those who have skin of another color and little money in their pockets. And whose life they do not find relevant. To those who think they own the country in which they were born by chance and do not admit poor foreigners. When they don’t own it. There would then be many nuances to clarify.

Tension in the Middle East is now reaching its peak. The horror that the media and networks serve us day and night with the genocide that Israel is practicing against the Palestinians and the Lebanese shows with even greater evidence the absolute contempt for the lives of its victims, whether they are men, women or children. Born killers believe they are better than those they kill. Oh, the chosen people. Paradoxically, during Nazism, German Jews were stripped of their citizenship and were considered a foreign body to the German nation. Thus we arrive at today’s critical moment. Netanyahu’s megalomania was determined to provoke full-scale conflict in the powder keg of the region and beyond. Late on Tuesday, Iran launched two hundred missiles at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, as it announced yesterday, in response to the Israeli attack on Lebanon. And no one is stopping Netanyahu, on the contrary, he continues to benefit from the real support of the United States and Europe, regardless of the empty words thrown at him. With condemnations of Iran, calls to stop the escalation. The other day, US President Joe Biden called Israel’s assassination of Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah an “act of justice”, without mentioning the other victims who “passed by.” There are also differences.

The situation of the winner of Sunday’s elections in Austria is even more striking. The leader of the Austrian Freedom Party, FPÖ, Herbert Kickl. He is 55 years old and does not appear to have exercised any previous activity other than that devoted to his party for at least 29 years. He wants to remove all rights of foreigners and expel refugees. The FPÖ was founded by Nazi SS member Anton Reinthaller and continues to count among its members former Nazi officials and officers of Hitler’s feared police and security organization. And it was voted for by 29% of voters, especially young and middle-aged people, who lack social memory.

What is astonishing is that this individual also believes, like his compatriot Hitler at his time, that his “race” is superior to others. One of their famous slogans is: “Viennese blood: too many foreigners are useless”. Being as dark and unattractive as his inspiration Adolf Hitler, it is necessary to have unbridled self-esteem. It seems that he does not have “the charisma of the founder of the party” either, says El Mundo. Which cites further evidence: Austria has normalized this ideology. This is the general problem.

Other countries have also standardized it, with help. It is incomprehensible, I insist because it is essential, that democracy allows those who destroy it to nest within it, and that their presence at the polls is not rejected. It is also very irritating that they invite us to understand these poor people who, since the usual governments do not give them what they need – I have read -, try to remedy this with general disaster. With the projection of the entire society into the den of hungry lions.

Of course, when traditional politics doesn’t deliver results, it breeds discontent. But it is also the fact of having made imperceptible the line of demarcation between the traditional conservative parties and the racist far right which has led to this undesirable situation.

Of course, a thousand times greater than this mass of unethical ultras are the African castaways who were trying to get a better life, not a worse one for everyone, like the obtuse fascists. A thousand times better than any of those despised by the Austrian Nazis locked in their supremacist bunker. And infinitely inferior, even more than the maximum global racket, to the Zionists who mercilessly murder children and adults, believing, like all those mentioned, to be the gold standard of the human species. It would take a few additional paragraphs to even mention the many fictitious superiorities of some over others which lead to very different treatment of the Sahrawis of Barajas compared to other refugees, for example. And the fascist sense of superiority leads to contempt for other human beings whom it considers replaceable, regardless of how it destroys them.

This horrible stage of decivilization must necessarily pass, but we will have to get there, by throwing all those who harm lives and property onto the donkey of a prostituted Liberty and a non-existent superiority. From the Austrian Nazis, to the racists who close the borders, to the Israeli genocidaires, to the locals who let them die with the same cruelty, without even palliative care, to certain poor elderly people whom no one defended against wear and tear. ultraliberal greed critical moments in global health.

Only humans trip over the same stone twice and we return, gradually, to those 30s of the last century, where an induced economic crisis also used the brown plague of Nazism to attempt its hegemony over thousands of deaths. They failed, they were defeated, but I wonder if there were as many useful fools then as there are today acting as accomplices. Morons who consider themselves above average.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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