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HomeBreaking NewsSwiss couple tortured domestic workers

Swiss couple tortured domestic workers

A shocking case of brutal treatment of domestic workers has shocked Switzerland.

Oku.Az The Daily Mail reports on this.

A married couple from Andelfingen near Zurich reportedly held two young women, a 22-year-old Filipina and a 30-year-old Brazilian, in their home for months, and tortured them. This was revealed during a court hearing.

A 46-year-old Swiss IT administrator and his 32-year-old Filipino wife tricked the girls with promises of helping them obtain education and residency permits. But the foreign women were trapped: kept in a cramped, windowless cage for 15 hours a day and subjected to degrading BDSM practices (a type of sex involving physical force and intense stimulation).

The man, whom the judge described as a “sadist with sexual tendencies”, admitted that he regularly tied the 22-year-old Filipina girl with handcuffs, chains and belts, sometimes tying them together. The girl was completely tortured.

In addition to violence, the victims were also subjected to labour exploitation. They were forced to perform domestic tasks six days a week and were at the disposal of their partner 24 hours a day. The young Filipino woman received only 800 Swiss francs (1,600 manats) a month for a work week of more than 45 hours.

The prosecutor has asked for a 36-month prison sentence for the sadist, of which nine months are the actual prison term. His wife could be charged with complicity in deprivation of liberty and receive a suspended sentence of 10 months. The verdict will be announced on September 18.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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