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HomeLatest NewsTalavera City Hall takes over direct management of ORA

Talavera City Hall takes over direct management of ORA

During the plenary session this Friday, the file of recover direct management regulated parking on public roads in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), after the rejection of delegations and suggestions. The PSOE voted against.

The spokesman for the Popular Municipal Group and the government team, Jesús García-Barroso, indicated that for the municipalism of Talavera “This is an important step” This approval having made “a giant step in the management of public services”.

In this sense, he explained that this file will improve urban mobility, especially in the city center, and will allow some groups that have had parking problems in these areas to do so more easily, with greater possibilities. “It is also an approach that contributes to the environment.”

The spokesperson recalled that this file is also along with the Urban Mobility Plan of the city and this will also have to be coordinated with the implementation of the low emission zone.

García-Barroso made it clear that with this remunicipalization of the service, the municipal staff will increase, since the 12 people who are part of this service will be replaced and will be part of the city hall.

Another improvement, García-Barroso stressed, is that costs will be reduced “and also “There will be better management of public revenues.”In this sense, he criticized the socialists “who seem not to have read the file sufficiently.”

He clarified that this project is rather aimed at an adequate management of public revenues, “and is therefore not a purely economic or cost-saving question.”

For his part, the VOX spokesman in the Talavera de la Reina City Council, David Moreno, indicated that this is “one more step in the advancement of the recovery of the ORA (Blue Zone) service through direct management; “This is a very important step, because there is very little left in the Talavera City Council, after more than 14 years of indirect management through a concessionaire, to recover the blue zone service,” he stressed.

For Moreno, “the intention of the government team has only been to look after the interests of the citizens of Talavera.”

In this sense, the VOX spokesperson explained that “the municipal technicians themselves had recommended to the previous government team that the previous model did not work and that it was also detrimental to the interests of the pockets of all Talaverans.”

“What we did was prioritize and implement a procedure so that by recovering the ORA service, the revenue generated by this service goes directly to the municipal coffers and not to the concessionary company as was the case.”

At this point, Moreno lamented that “the numbers are huge, in the first 10 years of the concession of services of the blue zone, the company collected no less than 8,108,000 euros of which only 91,000 euros went to the municipal coffers, that is, only 1.1 percent of what was collected benefited the municipal coffers.

“This could not continue to be maintained, which is what the previous government team did, led by Tita García, who maintained a concession that had already expired four years ago, a loss-making contract that was detrimental to the economic interests of the Talavera de la Reina City Council,” he criticized.

“It was the municipal technicians themselves who did the legal and economic studywhich constitutes the most advantageous, most efficient and most sustainable option for municipal coffers.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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