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HomeLatest NewsTamara Falcó, outraged against Íñigo Onieva: "He tells me how I..."

Tamara Falcó, outraged against Íñigo Onieva: “He tells me how I…”

After a summer of rest and travel, Tamara Falcó has returned to her usual participation in ‘El Hormiguero’. During Thursday’s meeting, he shared anecdotes from his life with Íñigo Onieva and revealed with a tone between indignation and humor some moments of tension that they experienced during their formation as a couple. The discussion revolved around daily life and healthy habits, but what attracted attention ” was Tamara’s complaint about her husband’s unsolicited advice when he was exercising.

Monday September 2ndThe project led by Pablo Motos resumed its broadcast after the summer holidays with a season full of news. The presenter returned with a renewed formatnew collaborators and sections designed to stay at the forefront of the show. The competition this season is tough, with shows like David Broncano’s “La Revuelta” and the return of “Big brother”but “El Hormiguero” continues to be a favorite with the public.

One of the most anticipated moments is the Thursday meeting, where Tamara Falcó, together with Nuria Roca, Cristina Pardo and Juan del Val, will discuss current issues. Last week, the Marquise of Griñón did not hesitate to share a situation she experienced with her husband, a matter related to sport and cohabitation as a couple.

Tamara Falcó reveals new information about Íñigo Onieva

During the conversation on the program, Pablo Motos spoke about the case of a woman who encouraged her husband to exercise by yelling at him while he was working out.which led to Tamara Falco to reflect on his own dynamic with Onieva. Although he admits that he does not follow this method of motivation, he clarified that in his case it is Íñigo who assumes the role of coach, which is not always well received.

Sometimes I train with the same coach as Íñigo and he constantly corrects me.. He tells me how I should do the squats and I tell him: but hey,” Falcó expressed with a mixture of frustration and surprise, showing that this type of corrections does not please him. Although you are in shape and take care of yourself, the aristocrat She seems to prefer a more relaxed, less controlling approach to exercise, which contrasts with her husband’s stricter attitude.

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The worst part is that the differences between the couple are not limited to the gym. Tamara Falcó confessed that even her quiet walks can be a cause of discord. Although she likes to walk calmly, observe the surroundings and disconnect from stress, Íñigo seems to have a more energetic and fitness-oriented approach.

Tamara Falcó, in the presentation of her program. (Photo: Gtres)

“When I walk, I want to see the trees, enjoy the birds, be calm. But he goes with the intention of training, and one day he told me: But you want to move?” he said between laughs. Although Falcó told the anecdote in a funny tone, it is obvious that the differences in their way of enjoying time together sometimes generate small frictions.

Furthermore, Isabel Preysler’s daughter admitted that she needed some preparation for these walks: “I need to know an hour in advance. “I like to have coffee, get dressed, think about where we’re going to go.” This confession suggests that, although Íñigo seems to be more spontaneous and active, Tamara values ​​planning and the quiet enjoyment of couple activities..

“El Hormiguero” reveals the most human side of Tamara Falcó

The conversation in “El Hormiguero” also addressed another current topic: vacations as a couple and the importance of individual time. Nuria Roca and Juan del Val, regular collaborators of the program, shared that this summer they spent a few days of vacation separately, which was beneficial for them. This reflection led Tamara Falcó to meditate if you would like to experience something similar with Íñigo Onieva.

Tamara, who spent much of the summer traveling with her husband to different parts of the worldwas not able to answer clearly whether he would enjoy a holiday outside of Íñigo. However, he mentioned the example of his sister Ana Boyer and her husband, the tennis player Fernando Verdascowho usually don’t separate and “do well.”

“I think it depends on the couple. There are people who need more space and others who don’t. My sister and her husband never leave each other for a minute. and they are very good like that“, Tamara reflects. On several occasions, he has acknowledged that his marriage is far from perfect, but he believes that love can overcome all obstacles.

The Marquise ends her summer vacation

After a spectacular summer in dream locations like the Maldives, returning to routine was a challenge for Tamara Falcó. during the holidaysThe couple shared images on social media showing their dream experience on beaches with crystal clear waters and adventurous activities, such as scuba diving, where they even swam alongside turtles and sharks. These weeks away from the media hustle and bustle seemed like a balm for both, but the return to everyday life and professional demands brought new challenges.

Falcó also went through difficult times, such as the sudden death of his friend Caritina Goyaneswhich added a touch of sadness to the end of their vacation. Despite the joys experienced during the summer, the Marquise de Griñón must now face the pressure of returning to work. Let us remember that this does not only work in “The Anthill”is also one of the members of the jury of “I have talent”.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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