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Tax authorities to collect an additional 500 million in 2023 after ‘checking’ 999 wealthy people who had defrauded their taxes

The tax authorities collected almost 500 million euros more in 2023 after controlling, verifying and inspecting 999 holders of “relevant assets”. That is, the public coffers managed to recover income that some of the richest in our country had tried to avoid paying when they were obliged to do so.

“The results obtained last year are higher than the average of the previous five years (by 1.2% in terms of the amount of debts settled and by 13.3% in terms of the number of cases),” explains the ministerial institution of the Treasury, which published this Thursday information on all its actions for the “prevention and control of tax and customs fraud” in 2023.

These controls totaled nearly 16.7 billion in public revenue, a figure similar to that of 2022. “Among these overall figures are the direct revenues generated by the tax administration in its control actions, which amounted to 9.431 million euros. This figure, although 10.5% lower than that of 2022, is 4.4% higher than that obtained in 2021 (9,037 million),” the institution details.

The reductions in repayments total €6.312 million, or 18.5% more. Without counting the extraordinary results of the staggered payments, the result obtained by reducing the yields would be €4.316 million, or 7.6% more than what was achieved in 2022.

“In addition to the aforementioned results (direct income and reductions), there are other incomes that, although they cannot be directly attributed to a control action, are a consequence of the Agency’s general actions. This is the case of income from late declarations without prior request, the calculation of which reaches 965 million euros in 2023, 18.7% more than in 2022. These incomes show an irregular evolution over time that prevents the establishment of a reference “or a reliable objective”. adds the Tax Agency.

35,000 checks on large companies

Alongside the additional 500 million obtained through controls and inspections of the rich, the collection obtained through actions against large companies stands out. Exactly. The checks on large companies, multinationals and tax groups increased by 17.3%, reaching almost 35,000 in total.

Furthermore, in 2023, verification actions were carried out for a total amount of 27.7 million euros with 136 taxpayers who were artificially located in other countries and for whom it was determined that they actually had their effective residence in Spain.

On the other hand, last year, 2,317 control actions were carried out. by the various delegations of the Agency, in which it was possible to reveal the existence of sales that the taxpayer had hidden from the tax administration [economía sumergida]0.2% more than the previous year. “As a result of these actions, fees derived from the discovery of hidden sales were calculated for an amount of 466 million euros, which represents an increase of 7.1% compared to the previous year,” the institution emphasizes.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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