He Ministry of Education asked the town halls of the Pyrenees whose students are currently studying Secondary in the centers of Aoïz, Garralda, Ochagavia And Roncal that before the next one November 26 issue reports with their opinion regarding the possibility of studying Baccalaureate in the new Lumbier Institute which will come into operation from the course 2025-2026.
The incorporation of the offer of Baccalaureate in a new center which will offer model D In Lumbier materializes the commitment acquired by the Government with the Pyrenean Tablewho repeatedly demanded its construction to prevent students from Navarrese Pyrenees should continue to pursue these studies Pamplona.
NOW, Education addressed the town halls affected by this situation, reminding them that it is necessary to carry out the detachment of the Compulsory secondary education institutes which will be linked to the new secondary zone corresponding to the CIP FP Lumbierin the premises of which the Department is completing the installations of the new institute.
Until this moment, the students of IESOS of Aoïz, Garralda, Ochagavia And Roncal study the Baccalaureate inside model D inside IES Eunate of Pamplonadepending on the current detachment established in the Navarre school map. The students of Pyreneesin addition to having a guaranteed place Baccalaureate inside IES Eunateobtains the same score when it comes to accessing a school place in educational centers. Pamplona that students registered in the Navarrese capital, a measure introduced by the Department the last legislature to facilitate the right of students to Pyrenees. Likewise, in the current school map, students in Pyrenees the right to School transportation At IES Eunate of Pamplona.
The proposition you are analyzing Education is to modify the detachment of the IESOS of Aoïz, Garralda, Ochagavia And Roncal to connect it to the new zone determined by the CIP FP Lumbier. This change will have two important effects. The first of them is related to guaranteed place at school for the students concerned. The place of Baccalaureate assigned as a guaranteed right of students of the Pyrenees affected will be Lumbier. Concerning the right to School transportationit is recalled that, according to the regional decree 35/2022 which regulates the organization and operation of School transportation In Navarreto benefit from a school transport place, you must be registered at the school of the public center which corresponds to the student according to the school zoning established.
Therefore, given the importance of the decision to be adopted and the impact it will have on the schooling students with the possible new school route, Education asked the town halls involved in the various proposals for modification of this school card which issue a evaluation report which indicates, in a motivated manner, the positioning of the local entity regarding the specific change that directly affects it. In other words, they inform the Ministry of Education If you prefer that your students continue their studies Baccalaureate In Pamplona or go to study Lumbier from the next lesson.
The request was sent to town halls municipalities of Aoïz, Maple, Izagaondoa, Lizoaine, Languishing, Urraul Alto, Urroz-Villa, Oroz-Betelu, Abaurrea Alta, Abaurrea Baja, Aria, Aribe, Garayoa, Villanueva de Aezkoa, Orbaizeta, Roncesvalles, Error, Burguet, Valcarlos, Ezcaroz, Esparza de Salazar, Gallués, Gesa, Izalzu, Jaurrieta, Navascués, Oronz, Sarries, Roncal, Burgui, Garden, Isaba, Urzainqui, Ouztarroz And Vidangoz.