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HomeBreaking NewsTehran-Moscow corridor: What is Azerbaijan's position?

Tehran-Moscow corridor: What is Azerbaijan’s position?

Today, the 40-kilometer highway connecting the main part of Azerbaijan with Nakhchivan has become a real arena of competition and conflict between the world’s leading power centers. Many people did not understand the significance of the article included in the tripartite declaration of November 10 immediately after our victory in the Patriotic War. The world’s leading power centers are now in a serious conflict over this highway, called the “Zangezur Corridor.” What is the significance of the Zangezur corridor? But what caused such a serious geopolitical conflict over the 40-kilometer highway?

About the topic “Caspian” We present the newspaper article.

New opportunities for Baku and Yerevan

For Azerbaijan, the Zangezur Corridor means direct access to Nakhchivan, which is an integral part of Azerbaijan, and to its strategic ally Turkey. In a broad sense, this highway is valued as one of the main arteries of the East-West corridor, a direct connection between the Turkish states both economically and politically.

For Armenia, the Zangezur Corridor means normalizing relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey, becoming part of regional integration and economic development.

Apparently, the president Ilham Aliyev The initiative that was put forward four years ago actually promises new opportunities for Baku and Yerevan. Unfortunately, however, the Armenian leadership is on the verge of missing this historic opportunity.

Alternative route, access to abundant resources.

For Russia, whose relations with the West have been strained since the war in Ukraine, the Zangezur Corridor actually means an alternative way to access the world while avoiding the sanctions it faces. Having managed to maintain relations with Baku and Ankara, Moscow aspires to access the Middle East and southern countries through the Zangezur Corridor. Moreover, in Moscow, this artery is seen as an important component of the North-South corridor.

The importance of the Zangezur Corridor for Türkiye coincides with the interests and objectives of Azerbaijan.

The European Union and the United States see the corridor as an opportunity to access Central Asia’s rich resources and weaken Russia’s influence in the South Caucasus and beyond.

Zangezur corridor is on the Kremlin’s agenda

In this context, there are new developments in the Zangezur corridor. This time, the 40-kilometer highway does not connect Baku and Yerevan, or Washington and Moscow. In recent years, Russia and Iran have been preparing to sign a strategic alliance agreement, raising their relations to a higher level.

Following the state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Azerbaijan, the issue of the Zangezur corridor is on the Kremlin’s special agenda. Recent statements by officials of our northern neighbor, especially Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, regarding the corridor have caused serious discontent in Iran. It has reached the point where official Tehran has demonstratively expressed its protest by summoning the Russian ambassador to the Foreign Ministry.

It should be noted that Lavrov pointed to the Armenian leadership as the main reason for not opening the corridor. Zakharova said that solving this problem under the direct control of Russian border guards in accordance with the trilateral statement has not lost its relevance. She advised to direct the question about Iran’s concerns to Tehran. It seems that Moscow has already pressed the button to get the process out of the deadlock on the issue of opening communications.

As for Iran, Tehran’s “concerns” regarding the Zangezur corridor were listed by the pro-government Tasnim agency in an article titled “This imaginary corridor will not be created.” It is reported that the activation of the Zangezur Corridor means the reduction of one of Iran’s border neighbors, which is Iran’s gateway to the world, the strengthening of the position of the Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem and the “violation of the borders and sovereignty of regional states declared by Iran as a red line.” In the article addressed to the Russian Foreign Ministry, Moscow is reminded that “the statements of the state about to sign the strategic partnership document are not in line with the spirit of the alliance.”

Indeed, the claims that the corridor, which will be under the control of border guards of a country Tehran calls an ally, is against Iran’s interests, raises certain questions. Russian soldiers are already serving on the border between Iran and Armenia. In this matter, Tehran’s main fear is that after the 44-day war, the possibility of influencing Azerbaijan will be reduced to a minimum and the risk of losing what it has. Armenian leaders already, encouraged by Tehran’s well-known management, openly declare the impossibility of Moscow controlling the corridor. In other words, Tehran is forcing Yerevan to speak its own language in this matter. It is interesting to see what kind of response Russia will give to Tehran, or to Yerevan, which it once declared an outpost. In fact, the direction of further developments will be determined after the possible reaction of the Kremlin.

Azerbaijan’s position is precise and clear

Azerbaijan’s position is clear and precise. Armenia cannot offer security guarantees regarding this corridor at the moment. The road to be opened must ensure unhindered passage in accordance with international law. A third-party security guarantee is essential here. On the other hand, Azerbaijan has no difficulties in the operation of regional communications. Baku is implementing an alternative route through Iran, which is in the interest of both countries. The Zangezur Corridor is most necessary for those currently in serious conflict with each other and for Armenia, which gave them this space.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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