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Telecinco withdraws Carlos Latre’s program on Thursdays and Fridays due to its audience

A few days ago, Marta Torné spoke about the “patience” she had asked Telecinco for with Babylon Show, the new program she co-presents with Carlos Latre on Telecinco. “I understand that the channel is going to give it to us because They’re more into trends than audiences, from what Carlos told me. But of course, they’re going to give it to us unless we make 2%.“Of course,” he assured.

This patience seems to have started to end. And the very weak data from the variety program has caused a significant movement on the Telecinco network. So much so that The network will go without the program for two days next week, just as they just left the audiovisual group.

“The second gala of Big brother and the new episode of Friday! Next week they will move their broadcast schedule forward to 10:00 p.m. on Telecinco. Babylon Show will be broadcast from Monday to Wednesday “at its usual schedule,” shared Mediaset, without specifying whether it will be something exceptional for this new week or if it will be definitive.

“Enrique CerezoPresident of Atlético de Madrid, and players Koke – team captain – and Marcos Llorente will be Carlos Latre’s guests when the delivery takes place next Monday, September 9,” the company also said.

The Babylon Show, which takes place over two nights, is significant. On the one hand, will avoid competing on Thursday evening with the two The anthill as with The Revolt, David Broncano’s new show, which will premiere next Friday. And, at the same time, I will try to improve Big brother, reality show that started a new edition last night, and that left good information for Telecinco, even though it was the first with the lowest number of viewers in the history of the format.

Likewise, the withdrawal of Friday evening is striking, since this day has no direct rivals like the aforementioned programs. In fact, Last week’s show, with Hombres G, recorded 947,000 viewers with 10.5%, which is the maximum of the program so far. Despite this, Mediaset has decided to do without Latre on the fifth evening of the week and to extend, as before, the broadcast of Friday!.

Carlos Latre in “Babylon Show”.

Bad audience data

Carlos Latre had a hard time competing in the prime time access segment, and Mediaset, as well as the broadcaster itself, were aware of this. They tried to release the series before the arrival of the new season of El Hormiguero, but their efforts were in vain: Pablo Motos managed to beat it even with reruns. The most critical blow came this Wednesday, when the interview with Sara Baras sank with 453,000 viewers or 4.1%..

The information was complicated and taking advantage of the celebration of the Vitoria FesTVal, they asked Eduardo Escorial, director of entertainment and news of Mediaset Spain, about what was happening, but Mediaset preferred not to get involved. “I regret not having answered because we do not want to distort the presentation of Boom!. We are here to launch a new show for a different channel and I think we will have time to analyze” he assured then.

Just a day after these words were spoken, the analysis came and the decision was to say goodbye to Babylon Show for two of its broadcast days. With this move, the future of the program is bleak, and remember, last 2023 Chinese stories began to reduce its presence on the grid after the arrival of GH VIP until it is cancelled, with only 10 deliveries issued. A brand that will at least surpass Babylon Showsince today it reaches ten broadcasts with the interview of Latre with Pedro Piqueras.




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